28.(Confrontation )

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Chapter 28

His eyes remain fixed on her unconscious body while his mind was in a battle with his heart.They were in a constant conflict whether to believe on her act or not.
Could he trust someone frequently attempting to leave him?Of course not.
On top of that he couldn't completely ignore the suspicion of her being involved with some other man?Ever since this irritating thought has entered his head ,Uday has been feeling totally disturbed. But why did he felt suspicious at the first place,he never knew!
Manyata not even for once wrote on the letter that she was eloping with her boyfriend.She never mentioned she loves someone else.So why this ridiculous thought was constantly nagging his mind?
Is it because he thinks she is too weak to escape him without someone's help?
And when he thinks about this particular someone, he can't help picturing some random boy trying to snatch her from his possession.

So what Uday did to asses her commitment, her faithfulness toward him was nothing but his planned intentions.He knew he might go hard on her for that but before he could execute his plan, her unconscious body lying beneath him was making him questioning about his own actions.

Uday had observed Manyata well in the passed few month.
A typical Indian girl with sophisticated values & norms.Uday knew she hated his womanizing character but never complained anything about it. This was only to make herself clear that his attitude doesn't effect her which was of course not true.He had taken her to numerous social gatherings and parties but everytime women used to crowd around him ,her scrunched up face described it all how much disgusted she used to feel.She thinks he doesn't notice her making such faces but in actual he does.He notices her every little moves like a shadow.
For someone ordinary like Manyata her standards are average too.
To a girl like her,her chastity is her greatest honor. In this country girls are taught to safeguard their purity until they are lawfully wedded to someone.They are taught to conserve their modesty like valuable ornaments unlike the western countries where both men &women have multiple one night stands ,where they aren't questioned or troubled by the society for their casual sex.
On basis of that concept an idea came across his mind.
He believed ,if she agrees to laid down with him then the lover of her simply didn't existed between them.It had to be only Uday's misconception but in case she resists him he'll be forced to think the reason behind her resistance is
the extramarital affair she's having or she is trying to save herself for someone else.
Of course the plan was fucked up itself but Uday needed to pressurize her.Her unwillingness to lose her innocence would be something triggering to her for which she may spill the little secrets she's hiding from him.

Uday had no intentions to have her by this way.Ofcourse consents matters to him as he likes to make his partners beg to have intercourse with him not like someone who will constantly resist his touch.
This was Uday's alternative plan to make Manyata say the truth which he had planned in his manipulative mind when he understood he can't clear his suspicion about someone who is currently out of his network.Everything was going quite well as he had thought out. She had decided to submit to him willingly only to prove herself innocent.
Manyata didn't know how gleefully his eyes were staring her at that time when she had declared she was ready to do anything to prove her innocence.A relief of sigh had flooded on his face that instant because Uday knew very well Manyata isn't somebody who lust over his body.So it was obvious she was ready to go this extent to make Uday believe he was wrong in his perception.
People will go through extreme tests when they are falsely accused.
Everything was going quite well until at the last moment when she lost her consciousness making him question on his decisions .Does he regrets a little?Perhaps.

"There is nothing to worry about.Her body became a little fatigue from the long day fasting.Her blood pressure had fallen temporarily due to dehydration.
I've checked her other vital parameters which are going as good as normal.
And I've injected her with IV fluid and prescribed some medications so there is nothing to worry Udayveer.Keep sure she follows them for early recovery."
Said Dr Jayati Shrivastava ,an well know doctor in her late 50s who has been also serving the Singhs as their family doctor from past thirty years.The lady ensured the worried husband after examining Manyata's whole body.

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