10.(Truth isn't bitter always )

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Strolling incredulously back and forth at the long porch along the outside of  Uday's extravagant room won't help Manyata anyway.But the cringe feeling  won't grant her sit quietly somewhere  either.The way she chose to sort out her problems last night ended up with an worsened  conclusion!
"He  didn't switched my clothing" ...."Did he"?"No,he can't". "Why would he?"

"Why wouldn't he Manya"?"You  are acknowledged to his depraved  manners"."He won't hesitate a bit".She fought against herself.
Manyata essayed to provide herself  a much needed salvation from this new born subdued feeling.Rays  of sunlight  brightened her milky  skin  as soon as her restless exhausted  frame lied back on the cosy chair .Closing her eyes she attempted to remember what happened back? How did she landed at his bed from the washroom.Most logics were pointing toward him again.

"No","Enough of this."
"I'll directly ask him".Manyata  stood up and determined to seek answers from Udayveer.But  thinking of how odd and embarrassing it would  sound Manyata back out shortly.
"Oh Krishna"!!."What should I do now".She cried out .

"Wait","That lady ?"...." She may know"."A maid was standing outside the room when i woke up .She may know,Obviously she would". Murmured Manyata as she found a ray of hope finally.
Her little happiness got impeded  as In a hurry she stumbled on her feet and     nearly collapsed over the floor but a sudden  bump with a sturdy physique restrained her from falling down and favoured  managing balance at the meantime.
"Not again"....She uttered..Manyata found herself in his arms eftsoons...dangerously close to his curvaceous profile.She jerked off her body right away she realized his  hands on her waist.

"Don't dare to touch me".She yelled pointing her index finger toward him.
Uday stared at her ;stunned with her audacity .
"Really "?"I dared then".He patted  on her cheek."Now what?"Asked Uday playfully . His conceited irritating smug face enkindled with his signature smirk.
Manyata retreated her steps seeing that  his forwarding moves gaining proximity between them.At one time her back dashed against the wall abruptly and Manyata shrieked  as Uday frantically  locked up her hands  into the wall.All her efforts to squirm out from his  grasp were inoperative since UV deliberately pressed his body over her  preventing Manyata  from her continuous attempts of escaping .His lurid  burning  eyes gazed at her minanciously.  Manyata furiously glared at those  pair of  brown eyes  and she became  quiet momentarily as though having her attentions fixated by those spell bound  eyes.

"I don't like two things"." First one, someone pointing finger on me" . rumbled Uday   clutching her arms firmly .
Get accustomed ,If you behave with me like t........As his palm pressed her lips Manyata couldn't complete her sentence.
"I'm not done yet"." And the other issue is my baby sister"."I don' t spare a single person who causes tears in Jai's  eyes" ."You dared to humiliate  her in front of your gang" ."A whole bag of  garbage you threw  over Jai"."You messed up with Udayveer Singh's sister,damn it"." You did all the hell wrong Manyata."
Manyata felt  tons of warning threats piercing her ears.
She removed his hand from her mouth.

"How come you don't know that       
Your sister is a  big fat drama queen".
"She gets pleasure  making a  mountain out of a molehills".
"No", "wait You love her so much then you must know that"." So there's is no point arguing with me"."I don't care at your yellings "."You don't have any  rights to talk me like this"."I'm not your w..... paused Manyata  momentarily .

"You're  not my...  what"?"You're not my wife"?Toch toch toch ......."But sadly you're".His face hardened with sarcasm.
"And talking about rights?" "Seems like you   forgot  about last night"?"Need another demo?"mutterd Uday while  fondling her hairs.

"No" ,"I didn't forget anything"."I can't even if I tried"."I won't be ever able to forget how my dying mother unknown to herself gave her loving daughter to a brutal monster."
His grasps tightened more painfully in her wrists.Manyata's igneous words made him more livid.
Manyata shove off his hands.
She failed in hiding her tears once again.They were on verge of falling down.Manyata wiped her tears quickly.

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