25.(Chase and Run )

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Chapter 25

To Mrs Vasundhara,

Don't know how to start, What to write.I had a lot to say you.I was waiting for some answer from you too.But unexpectedly ,I got those answers for which I wasn't prepared.
After my mother's demise,the only person I could get along in this family was you.The way you took care of me, comforted me and boosted my mental strength,I had forgotten for real that I had lost my mother.To tell you the truth,the day you told me to call you Mom,I really started valuing you like a daughter should look up to her mother.But it's my bad luck that my happinesses doesn't last long.So at the end of the day you didn't stay beside me to support me anymore. I didn't mind,you've a hard busy life after all.

Howso,after you were gone ,I could never say you that I've suffered a lot in these past months.I was continuously being tormented by your son and daughter but I endured everything silently.I hoped,I would tell you everything once you return home but seems like I was living in a fool's paradise all these days.And my delusions got shattered last night.

I'm sorry I heard everything you said to your mother in law. But probably this is the first time, I've realized one of my weaknesses too.
My mother taught me many things but one thing she may have forgotten to teach me was not to blindly trust people. May be the reason why I trust people without any doubts.
But you know,I am having a hard time accepting that you will trap me thus taking advantage of my plain belief in you.
Why did you do this Mom?

I'm sorry I'm scared to call you Mom anymore.

I didn't want to write so much but I did write.I will not have the opportunity to tell you these things face to face because.........I am leaving.

Yes I'm leaving.

You were right,I'm the kind of girl who would put up with everything but wouldn't share her grief with anyone.
But there is a limit to endure sufferings.When that limit is exceeded,the only thought that comes to one's mind is Freedom.I'm not any exception.

Your sadist son was killing me little by little.His aggressive demeanour was crushing my heart.For a long time,I had been struggling to escape this meaningless toxic relationship officially but Uday had blocked all my ways to be free from this marriage thinking I'm one of  his possessed material.

Did you all forgot I'm a mere human?Those lies,deception, emotional tortures hurts me too.You all played with my insecurities and I being a fool let myself  to be manipulated by your whole family over and over again.

I'm tired now.I no longer have the bravery to spend another day in this house.So I'm pulling myself out of this pathetic miserable entity here.Please don't try to find me.

I'll get myself killed ,if any of you try to approach me.Even death is better than being controlled by someone who deliberately inflicts pain on me,who thinks ferocity is acceptable in every aspect of his life.
By the time you read this,I'll be gone from here.Don't try to find me please.Not you neither Uday.
Please keep this request of mine at least.Don't let the least respect I have for you be dusted off like this.
Stay well.Even though you had trapped this dumb girl in your plans but I can't forget those moments filled with your love and care.For that I'll  pray for your prosperity far away from you.

"From a rootless orphan"

Just when she  finished writing the letter on a plain paper, few droplets of salty water spilled out of her eyes and fell on her smoothly written decorative handwriting.
"Shedding tears for what Manyata Shastri?"
She asked herself letting out a harsh breath.She wiped the tear strains from her face first  and then quickly folds the letter.

It was midnight.Like any other working days ,the employees of the mansion had moved to the staff quarters after doing their respective works except few of them remaining on their night duties.The entire mansion was engulfed by the serene silence of night.The surrounding silence along with pitch black darkness awakened a shiver of fear inside Manyata.She prayed not to be caught in eyes of  any of the servants.That's why she was deliberately walking in the dark while walking to the study room of Vasundhara.She could hear her own footsteps.Beads of sweats were popping out on her forehead in nervousness.
However she did not panic much rather  encouraged herself to leave the letter on the woman's table.

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