33.(Changes )

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Chapter 33

"Good morning everyone"
Manyata uttered more or less apologetically for her unintentional delays.
She was feeling nervous as all the scrutinizing eyes  settled on her soon after her entry into the grand dining space.

Manyata looked up to see if she was the only one joining the breakfast table last

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Manyata looked up to see if she was the only one joining the breakfast table last.That couldn't  possibly happen since her least likable sister in law Jai-nandini is the only person who joins breakfast late even somedays skip it for her frequent tendencies to wake up late.
But surprisingly today both siblings haven't appeared yet.
Manyata found the place empty;the chair usually Uday occupies during meal times.She was a bit surprised not to see him there yet as she had known Uday being very punctual,
maintains his ordinary pursuits strictly.
Was his absence due to the earlier hassles she made  inside his room?Is he still angry for that?Manyata gave a thoughtful look staring at the empty chair.

"Good morning dear."
Vasundhara replied meekly, interrupting her thoughts.Manyata carried her eyes hearing Vasundhara and showed her lively refreshing smile to the mother.But not for long as there opposite to Vasundhara was sitting Uday's grandmother with a stern face.Manyata gulped.

Padmini Singh was least bothered to greet her back any morning greetings.The old woman was silently going through an interesting journal about some ancient conspiracy theories.How engrossing it must have been that she was ignoring a whole person's presence!Manyata scoffed internally.
She decided to ignore the arrogant grandma as well.Her eyes shifted to the person sitting on the furthest corner of the grand table.

A middle aged man probably in his early 50's.All the hair of his head has fallen out resulting him in baldness,his  feature mark.
Like Uday and rest of the members of his family, everything about this man was also screaming of power and richness.He was giving a supreme influential vive,the similar one she gets from Uday's presence whenever he is around.The man  was all set for breakfast clad in his expensive  classic fit suit and Manyata had no difficulties to assume this was Uday's father.A top tier businessman having chains of hotels,luxury resorts ,casinos and multiple industrial factories across the world.

"Vasundhara,your this daughter doesn't recognize her father perhaps ?Won't you recognize her to me?"He spoke  off sarcastically grinning at his wife.

Manyata blushed a little but internally scolded herself for getting lost  in her whimsical thoughts.Cursing herself she walked in the direction where the man was sitting.

"I recognize you Dad."She prompted,smiling bashfully.
"How are you?How was your journey?"Manyata asked and bowed down seeking his blessings.

"Stay blessed dear.Well,I'm all good as long as my dear son keeps me stress free."His humorous reply came off  which resulted in forming a slight smile on her lips again.

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