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Warning ⚠️⚠️

This chapter might feel disturbing to some of you .But hey don't judge the characters on basis of a single chapter.

Happy reading

Chapter 27

"You ran away fearing a little dog and you actually were going to face Udayveer Singh?The one feared by all?Really man!"

Prateek was taking frequent deep breath after getting tired of running from the mad beast.And he got quite startled at the sudden revelation of the unknown man..How does he know that?

Prateek had finally got ridden of the dog when this stranger helped him by suddenly pulling him inside his car.Before Prateek could show his gratitude by saying thanks for helping him to escape the German shepherd,he heard the man mocking and questioning his guts instead.

"You call that a little dog?It's a freaking giant monster. Did you see his teeth?I swear it could peel my whole body skin like a potato knife with its sharp teeth."
Prateek replied back with annoyance. He was still traumatized how that beast made him run the entire temple literally hundred times.

The unknown man chuckled at his choice of words .

"But a lion is nothing comparison to that dog.Is it?..And...."

He spoke off while passing a bottle of water to Prateek.Prateek took the bottle and stared at the stranger in confusion.

"...And you're just about to snatch the lion's prey. You are really stupid young boy.You were almost going to endanger my angel's life and I fear,you already did a little hamper with your low quality plan."
He heard the man saying that clenching his fists. Prateek gulped down the water.He managed time to calm his highly stimulated nerves and then started observing the attractive hunk sitting on the driving seat.
He could guess his age somewhat between 30 to 35.Someone who had that strong striking aura that could make anyone feel inferior compare to him and Prateek was feeling exactly the same.He got scared seeing those turquoise eyes gazing at him holding slight anger.
Is he a foreigner?He doesn't look like Indian. Why does his face seem so similar?Is he someone very popular?Where did he saw him?How does the man know him?And how is his angel related to him?Prateek thought.

"Sir,I don't understand you.What are you trying to say?Who are you?Who is your angel?How do I know her?" He asked.
The man gave a short glance at him before turning his head in opposite direction.

"Well I'm Ayaan."

"Ayaan Singh."He uttered in a sharp and firm voice. His blank eyes were staring outside through the opened window
"The unfortunate brother of the girl you love,I suppose."

Prateek whipped his head around in shock .Did he just heard him right?
Ayaan Singh?Prateek raised his brows in utter shock & disbelief. He now remembered Who this man is.A renowned businessman in the country and a famous media personality.Obviously his face would feel so familiar to him.
This guy is Manyata's brother?How is this even possible?

"What?You are Manya's elder brother?"Prateek shouts.He arched a questioning eye in mere disbelief.

"Yes ,my lost angel.My precious baby sister." The man claimed.

"What are you saying?Don't lie Sir.Manyata doesn't have any elder brother.
Infact she is the only child of her mother. We're well acquainted with each other from our childhood and I know everything about her family. Prateek blurted out.A thick line of furrow became visible in his forehead.

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