14.(Night talkers)

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Hello guys.How're you all?I hope u are doing well. I've updated the chapter.Happy reading.

She sprinkled few water droplets on her drained face. After throwing up several times she felt a little relieved but still the strange foul smell of the bitter liquor was lingering inside her as those merciless siblings forcibly made her drink so..The sickly stench made her want to vomit more.
Manyata sat down tiredly in the stone tiled floor .She rolled up her legs and brought them close to her chest. Hiding her face in the middle, she broke down in tears once again.

She didn't feel as bad about their forcible behavior as she felt about his touches
It reminds her of his brutal behaviour of the first night ,the night he tried to force on her.She shuddered thinking once again about that horrible night.And again today She felt dirty about her own body,she felt disgusted with his every touches when he held her so close to himself to get her to drink alcohol forcefully...... They succeeded but she remembered how she managed to escape the bar spitting the weird liquor over Jai's face angering her even more .
"Why"?"Why they had to do this to me"?"I didn't cause any trouble ,it's not wrong in giving good advice "."But they took it all wrong way as if I was trying to dominate over them"."Did I? "She cried out in frustration.

"Where did you leave me Ma"?"Every second I spend in this house, I feel suffocated,my minds driving me out of despair"."And Uday"?"What about him"?"I'm losing my senses trying to catch out what's his problem"."He seems like a puzzle that'll chose to remain unsolved forever".
She expressed her pain,her fear,her feelings of discontent into the silent air and began to whimper.
"Even Mom is far away from me"."A lady who genuinely felt my sorrows,cared for me,valued my emotions, I thought so"."But was Jai right"?"Her concerns were fake"?"What are you thinking Manyata"?. No....no....no."That's not true,I saw love and care in Mom's eyes which can't be fake"......."But now what"?
Her deep sigh heaved the closed washroom.At this time her life is all messed up and dangling in between what to do or what not.She wished she could do things which her older bubbly chirpy version could do in these situation."Then who's stopping u now Manya?"Her inner thoughts shouts out.She suddenly realized she's turning into a crybaby day by day,losing all her potentiality that could give her triumph over all these recent sorrows and miseries.Maybe she was so obsessed with her mother's allegory that she thought a saviour would come to rescue her from danger.Now when reality suddenly struck her ,she wake up to her dream realizing only she can help herself. She wiped her tears saying...No more crying,She perceived tears won't be of any use ."Learn to fight for your own"."Manyata Shastri"."Yes" ,"Manyata Shastri"."I don't accept this marriage, neither do I accept him"." A deceitful marriage won't ever survive" ."What'll survive between us is only hatred for each other".
Two poles,where in one part she stands in the other side there is an arrogant person who only thinks of himself, his own needs ,his own interests, doesn't care about others feelings at least she hasn't noticed except for his snuffy sister Jai .He has never time rather interest to have a normal conversation with her.She agrees their marriage wasn't normal one,for that her conscience blames her also since she has somehow betrayed Uday taking the place of his girlfriend.At first she had refused to marry someone in this way but somehow Uday's Mom ,the clever woman succeeded to manipulate her to some extent,also her mental condition was not that good at that time.Those swearing words of her best friend's came to her mind at the moment, "You'll regret Manya because you know decisions taken under pressure or at a bad time often makes life pathetic. "
"How long it's been since I met Rashmi,Is she alright"?"Abhi,Veen"i?"Don't they miss me?".......and how is he?....Prateek?"Did he forget me"?"Could he rather forgive me"?"He shouldn't", Manyata whispered with void emotions.
Her mood worsened and it sank in disappointment.She tried to put a forced happy smile on her face remembering that tomorrow she's gonna meet all of them ,though it didn't help much.She managed to shrug off those thoughts since they were reopening some old memories.

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