22.(Return of a Godmother )

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Chapter 22

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"My old lady is all back home?That's a surprise of the year."
Uday's excited voice echoed in the vast hallroom as he greeted his most favorite person,the woman very close to his heart_ his  grandmother and the lady took him in a warming hug right away.

"Oh my beloved Uday, I missed you."Padmini Singh,his grandma exclaimed in delight.

Uday  inhaled a deep breath embracing the most precious person of his life.He had always felt a sense of comfort around the elderly woman .

"Hamm.. Only Bhai  not me Ds?"All your love for your dearest Grandson?"

Both Uday and his Ds turned only to  find Jai standing  behind them with a big pout on her face. The perfect attitude being  the drama queen she always  is!

"Not fair.Did you forget me?"

"Oh my  baby Jai Nandini..Who can forget my  charming brave Jai?"
The woman beckoned  her granddaughter  and Jai after a moment  forgetting her fake anger  rushed to her Ds and immediately joined the hug.
The Veteran plastered light kisses  upon both  her grandchildren's forehead and they giggled like small children.

"I'm truly disappointed at your Mom's sudden involvement in your life ,Uday".Both siblings broke the hug as Padmini  suddenly remarked.

"I've a long  story to tell you DS".Uday rolled his eyes .A groan accompanied the roll of his eyes.

"Where is Your Mom" ?On a business trip again"?Padmini sighed as Uday remained numb.

"No,Ds.Mom & Dad are permanently living in London leaving the two of us in this third class country", Jai complained rolling her eyes with annoyance.
The lady returned a pitiful look to her granddaughter.

Padmini Singh regretted marrying off her son with a business minded woman like Vasundhara.The woman herself is an elegant educated intellectual and had served as a successful defense attorney in her career.She had defeated many strong prosecutors with her sharp thinking and keen intelligence but now after all these passing year, her daughter in law made her realized one thing that she has lost in one case and that was chosing the right woman for  her son.
Years ago when the marriage proposal came from a royal family for her son Giriraj, Padmini and  her husband accepted the alliance considering the reputed royal family of Vasundhara.First few years she couldn't help praising how elegant and virtuous her daughter in law is.
But then a few years after Uday was born, Padmini Singh realized how indifferent  and apathetic Vasundhara was to the family and the baby.
The lady can't tolerate Vasundhara for another reason and that's a whole history.But according to her, the only good thing Vasundhara did for the family was giving birth to a heir.She desperately needed a strong inheritor to keep up this lineage.
Vasundhara's negligence resulted in Padmini Singh taking care of the ignored toddler Uday.She moulded his character just like she wanted.Thus she has a major impact on Uday's lifestyle throughout his childhood  upto his teenage years.
Later on,Padmini Singh grew interest in fine art collecting and moved on from one country to another leaving the family.But till today she is considered the Head of the Singh's  having a great impact on their life.And to Uday,she is his Godmother.

"Forget it Ds...You know Mom.She's never home with us",  Jai drew her grandma's  attention breaking her trails of past thoughts.

"Did you meet my gorgeous Bhabhi yet Ds"?Jai asked the lady winking at her brother receiving a 'don't mess up anything' look from Uday.

"Where is she?Is she hiding from your hideous grandma"?The woman  asked with slightly disappointment printed on her face.

Padmini Singh was strictly against this  marriage.She had never liked Vasundhara's idea of marrying Uday with some random middle class girl against his will.
Vasundhara had lost her rights long ago in taking decisions on behalf of her son.Padmini thought at least Uday would oppose it but to her utter surprise her dear grandson however got entrapped in his mother's plans.
Padmini knew Vasundhara would transform Uday's wife like her one day _a family apathetic woman.So she has thought well  it's high time she set some rules and restrictions to the newlywed girl.
Therefore,she is here on her sole  mission to change the girl's life ,to seal the girl's fate with only her beloved grandson Udayveer .She should be only concerned for her husband,her only priority should be this family nothing else and for this if she needs to leave her ambitions she must do that.

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