Chapter Three

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"I'm not dating that she-devil!" Gale yells at Pheonix

"You're one to talk!" I shout at him.

"What's that supposed to mean!?"

"Vampires are damned smart one! Or did they forget to tell you that in History?" I exclaim.

"That's a myth." Pheonix informs flatly.

"Thanks for having my back, big brother," I respond sarcastically.

He's your brother too."

"Exactly. Which is why I will never like him!" I chirp, giving Gale a pointed look. He facepalms.

"So you will never like your brother that way. Gee, aren't you just a bundle of kindness," Pheonix snarls. Wincing, I realize my mistake.

"That's not what I meant! It's the fact that he's my-Pheonix!" I groan into my hands as he walks out of the kitchen. "Why does no one defend me!?" I exclaim to the ceiling.

"Because you've gotten on everyone's bad side," Gale answers, taking a package of blood out from the fridge and warming it up in the microwave. "Aww, poor hybrid doesn't fit in anywhere."

"You're so mean!"

"You know I love you," He responds simply.

"Sometimes it doesn't feel like it," I growl.

"Maybe if you chased Pheonix down the hall and actually tried to explain things to him, he wouldn't think we're proposed? Just a thought."

I shake my head. "He doesn't want anything to do with me. If I follow him, he'll only yell at me to go away."

"So paranoid! Honestly, I don't get what he sees in you," Gale commentsm, taking his blood out of the microwave.

"You know, you should've gone to Shadowed Royalty because your sister is probably the only one who would ever marry you," I snap. Gale whips around to look at me with eyes blazing.

"You're one to talk! You're the one who's so heartless she insults her brother and brings up their own dead older sister all in one sentence! You probably don't even care about April, do you!?"

"I knew you guys for a week. Pheonix is the one I spent the most time with. No, I don't really care about some girl obsessed with toys who I barely ever saw or knew. I don't care about you, your Royalty, your family, or anyone else besides the people I met here!" 

"Good because I'm sure no one else but Mackay, Brennen, and Mackenna care about you either!!!" Gale screams, tearing out of the kitchen.

I glare after him for a solid minute before collapsing and bawling softly to myself. "I'm so mean. I don't deserve to live. I should just die and it should all be over with. Gale is right. No one cares about me and they shouldn't." I whisper between sobs. "I suck."

"They were mean to you first." An unfamiliar voice points out. Surprised, I jump back, looking around for the owner of the voice. "It's okay to be mean sometimes. As long as you have a good reason to," The boy with messy black hair sits down on the floor with wide, innocent eyes. "And aren't Reds known for love and hatred? When someone crosses you, you hate them. That's made complicated in the case of your half-brothers because you do love them but they insult you all the time, therefore crossing you."

His eyes go from midnight blue at the pupil slowly to violet, then maroon. The silver rim fades into the color of his eyes, light speckles everywhere. They are the strangest, most innocent, intelligent eyes I've ever seen.

"I don't really consider myself a Vampire though," I choke out.

"You are though. Even if you don't drink blood, you're not a human."


"Freckles! I've been looking for you everywhere!" Mackenna exclaims, barging in. He sends me a sly grin before getting up, effectively keeping my hiding place a secret.

"I told you not to call me that, Monkey," he sighs.

"As soon as you stop calling me Monkey!" Mackenna chirps. "Anyway, you still want to stay here right? If you marry me then your position is secured, then we can just get a divorce and what not. But while we feign our insane love for each other you need to help me with wedding preperations."

"So gentle..." The boy says. "Alright, let's go to your room. I think your brother doesn't like me though for all this."

"Who? Pheonix? He's just a grump about everything because he really likes Dominic."


"I don't want to talk about Brennen," Mackenna responds sharply.

"You do realize he's twelve years older than you, right?"

"We're Vampires. Age seriously is a number. Plus he's stopped aging at twenty-two. So it doesn't really matter anyway. But it's not that I like him. I don't! He's a jerk. And an old man."

"He's twenty-six, Monkey."

"Stop calling me that! And you were just-"

"Let's go, Monkey. You have wedding plans to make." I hear steps as the two leave the kitchen. "Wait, I left something back there, you go on up to your room. I'll be there in a sec."

The boy reappears next to me, sticking out his hand as he crouches. "I'm Pyro; ignore the nickname. Nice to meet the person Pheonix is going crazy over."

I shake his hand with a small smile. "I'm Dominic, but don't ignore the nicknames you hear going around. Nice to meet the person making Brennen crazy."

With a grin, he disappears.

"I don't know why..but somehow he reminds me of Blaze."

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