Chapter Twenty One

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That evening I spend camping out on the couch with Century and Eventide again.

"You're insane," Century reminds for about the millionth time for no apparant reason. I don't respond. It's the best way to deal with Century while he's shaken up like this, according to Eventide.

"You are not curious about my mental ability?"

"It's your own business." I say curtly. This is the best way to deal with Eventide when he's shaken up like this, according to Century.

I try to pay attention to the Tom and Jerry reruns playing, but I'm not five. Sometimes cartoons aren't enough.

"You're freaking psychotic!" Century exclaims, sitting up to berate me. Again. I brace myself for another lecture on how life is worth living and blah blah blah.

"Why would you want to die? You have a bunch of friends here! We all care about you! And trust me, life gets better-"

"Like you would know," I mutter. It was unfair. It wasn't right. But it felt good to say.

"He would! We are living, breathing creatures! We are not undead monsters-" Eventide begins.

"I am."

They look at me like I'm insane. Again. "A monster, I mean. I don't know about the undead part. Not for sure anyway."

"No you're not-"

"Yes I am! And don't pretend, Century. We all know I was the one to maim Seren. You know that I killed someone just for kicks. And the next time I get like that, I'm probably going to kill one of you."

A long, heavy silence descends upon the room, save for the background noises of Tom and Jerry, which I never pull my eyes from.

"You're insane."


I'm edgy, upset, and willing to take it out on anyone and everyone.

When the silence reaches it's peak of tenseness, Infinity stumbles in, drunk off his ass again. I feel unexplicable fury boiling beneath my skin. Century grabs my arm and leans down to whisper to me.

"Don't you dare attack him. I swear, if you do, I'll be the one to kill you, not him," he promises darkly.

Infinity shoves Century, reeling forward and coming within millimeters of brushing his lips against his friend's own.

"Infinity, you had best retire to your room. In this intoxicated state you are a danger not only to yourself but to every Vampire here," Eventide advises lightly.

"Shut up Eventide. Need I remind you who's in charge?" Infinity snarls.

"Listen to him, Infinity. You're drunk. And senseless."

He whips around, trying to focus - unsuccessfully - on my face. "You don't know shit," he spits.

"Says the drunk-off-his-ass Vampire," I retort. "You'd think eternal life would make someone more intelligent, but I guess not."

Infinity lunges for my throat, and I return the favor, baring my teeth in hostility. Eventide leaps from the couch and restains Infinity while Century holds me back.

"Come at me, bitch!" Infinity provokes.

"I would if I could, jackass!"

"Stop it, both of you! You are both acting like rotten children raised on the streets!" Eventide yells over us.

"Oh stuff it Eventide. No one cares." I snap, rolling my eyes. Century jerks my arm back harshly, causing me to let out an odd cry of pain that doesn't even sound human.

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