Careful, Caught.

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He didn't know how much time had passed. Mono still fiddling with his hands, and Seven talking to him once in a while.

The only thing he ever notices was when the whole room bends over, The ship is moving, he thinks. And then he goes back to his observation. As he looks under the sleeves, more scars, which looked like it hurts badly, catches his eyes.

" Why do you have so many scars? " A question anyone would have asked the first sight they see them, Mono did too, as the scars that were visible were nothing compared to the scars he had hidden.

" There isn't exactly any nursery or doctors here, when we get hurt we have to deal with it. And its really easy to get hurt in the Maw "

...The Maw?

" They have guest rooms, storerooms, oh hell a darn play area, and your telling me there's no nursery here "

" Nope "

Mono lifted his sleeve up, as his breath hitched. They looked really bad, a hell lot worse then the ones he has. Mono wanted to help, but he didn't know how to.

He wanted to say, ' How did you get hurt ' but instead a new choice of words escaped him lips.

" What did you do to get this injured. "

Seven stayed quiet, thinking if he should answer or not. Well he had nothing to lose, so he did.

" I was observing a pipe when I falled in, and then I braced myself in the walls. Or else I would have landed in the water, its just the structure and the nails of the pipe that were causing me trouble to go back up. And I used to fall out of bed sometimes due to nightmares, and cause I tried to get past the janitor but it just threw me against the wall before draging me back here. Its mostly due to my clumsiness "

He was processing just fine until the last part,

That thing did what?

Mono felt a sudden wave of uneasiness in him. He couldn't stop himself when he started imagining scenarios of it happening.

It hurt for him to think, he stopped himself. And tried to think of some way, to help Seven.

And he got an idea.

Seven didn't know from where, but Mono pulled out a little something from behind, of what seemed like a.. head? A mummy head?

" Its a hat I had found once.. Its not much but maybe it can help "

Seven watched Mono unwrap the 'hat', as he started to slowly wrap the white clothing in his arms.

They both knew that the other didn't know a thing about bandaging up wounds, Mono tried though, taking it slow.

He realized that his so called hat was piled up with the fabric, and it wasn't ending soon enough, he was glad about that though.

Seven's sleeve refused to pull up anymore, Seven said he doesn't need anymore bandaging, Mono stopped and ripped the fabric apart, locking the end piece in one of the openings.

It wasn't the best, but it will work.

Mono thought, as he started bandaging up the other hand.


Seven found himself, most of his skin covered in the white fabric. He felt his body stiff, it was hard to make movements, but he has to admit. He feels better than before.

While Seven was figuring out his movements, Mono got a little time to think about the recent events.

He was, mad.
He, changed his fate.
He, made it through. And came to this ginormous ship called 'The Maw'
He encountered creatures, friendly and unfriendly ones.
He saw 'The Janitor' and slept right next to a boy he couldn't stop staring at after every few seconds.

A meet we never expected. || Moven || Mono x Seven storyWhere stories live. Discover now