The Sharingan?

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Atsu had a tantrum and met someone who feels like her mother! Who is this bright figure and what was that power that Atsu displayed during her tantrum? Who knows?! I do! Hehehehe.... At least, I hope I do 0.0


I stared at the mirror coldly, I was staring into my eyes. I saw the frozen wasteland inside of them, making me cringe slightly, but that's not what I was staring at.

My eyes. Sharingan. Level three. Since when was I an Uchiha?

Someone knocked on the door, "Who is it?" I asked harshly and there was a grunt before, "Me." Sasuke said and I pursed my lips.

"One second," I said and closed my eyes before opening them, revealing them in their usual crimson red, " 'K, come on." I said and Sasuke opened the door as I started to brush my teeth.

"What took you so long?" Sasuke asked suspiciously as he took of his shirt to take a shower, "Your not my mom."

Sasuke was silent as I finished brushing my teeth and I washed my mouth before walking out of the bathroom, "Don't bite off more than you can chew, Sasuke," I said bluntly before walking downstairs, "Hey Atsu." Kakashi greeted me from his seat at the table, where he silently ate his breakfast.

Everyone started to come downstairs and so I went out to look for Naruto. I stopped at a clearing, seeing Naruto talking with Haku happily. I watched them converse when I felt a presence behind me.

"What do you want, Sasuke?" I asked and he let out a grunt, "Wide vocabulary..." I murmered before turning around and walking away, "What about Naruto?" Sasuke suddenly asked and I glanced at him before looking at Naruto.

"He can handle himself," I said simply before disappearing.

(Later That Day)

"Why do you wear yourself out trying? No matter how hard you train, you'll never be a match for Gato's thugs! You act all cool, and you talk all tough... But big, strong guys like that are always too much for people weaker than they are! They'll destroy you!" I heard Inari yell inside of Tazuna's house.

I had spent my day hanging out with Zabuza and Haku, seeing as I was bored. When I got back, it was already nighttime and I heard all this yelling.

"Shut up! I'm not you, and I'm not gonna lose!" Naruto retorted, "Just watching you ticks me off! You go running your mouth when you don't know a thing! This isn't your town! And you don't know a thing about me! You're always clowning around and having fun! You don't know a thing about suffering or loneliness or what my life is like!"

"So..... You figure it's noble to star in a melodrama and treat everyone around you like guests at your pity party?" Naruto growled, "It takes a really big man to sit around and cry... You brat! You big baby!"

"Loneliness is different than suffering," I said as soon as I walked into the room, making everying turn to me, "You can feel lonely, and still be happy. But you can't feel loneliness because you still have people who love you. You don't know the meaning of loneliness or pain. Some people in this world have it worse, brat."

"You don't know a-!" Inari started but I gave him a cold glare.

"I don't need to know a thing about you to know that your a coward and a brat."

"I'm not going to eat dinner today," I said bluntly before walking upstairs.


I walked outside on the docks and saw Inari sitting at the edge, "May I join you...?" I asked him but I was met with silence, and so I just sat down, "You know, Naruto's kind of a brat, but he wasn't trying to be mean or hateful... He just... Lacks finesse.."

I glanced at Inari and he was silently holding his legs to his chest, "Mr. Tazuna told us about what happened to your father. Naruto grew up without a father, same as you," I said and Inari turned to me, surprised, "Actually, without any parents. He doesn't remember either one of them. He only had one friend, Atsu. His whole life is one big, painful memory."

"And in all the time I've known him, I've never seen him cry. Or use his troubles as an excuse to sulk or be a coward not once. He always.... Tries his hardest, hoping someone will notice and give him a kind word or a pat him and on the back. That's his dream, and he's risked his life for it.

I think one day he must have just gotten fed up with crying. He understands what it means to be strong. He knows what it costs and what it's worth... Just as your father did. Naruto probably understands you and knows how you feel better than any of the rest of us."

"What?" Inari asked and I lightly smiled, "Atsu probably does too... I don't know much about her even if I've known her for most of her life. The only thing she had with her were two little wolves on her shoulders and an emotionless mug....

I don't even know Atsu's full name! Or even if Atsu is her real name! It's sad really... Seeing as her father-figure knows practically zip about her... I bet Atsu keeps more secrets than how many stars there are in the sky.. I wonder if we'll ever get to hear about her life stories or about where she disappears to or ever learn her full name...."

"But I bet she feels a lot more loneliness and pain than the rest of us.." I gave Inari a close eyed smile and he gaped slightly.


My eyes widened as I felt a familiar and deadly chakra overflow my senses. I was currently nearing the bridge and so I ran faster towards it. I saw through the mist, a large columb of fire turning into the Nine Tailed Fox's head.... Kurama.... Naruto!

I ran towards the column and came across a dome of ice mirrors. I pressed my head through two of the mirrors and saw Naruto holding Haku when he punched him, sending Haku flying. The fire cracked the mirrors and they broke into pieces.

I looked down at the ground and found a bloodied Sasuke, needles stuck all over his body. His neck, his arms, stomach, back, legs.... Everywhere. My eyes softened at the sight as I heard the loud noise of chirps. My eyes widened and I disappeared quickly before re-appearing in front of Haku and Zabuza.

Everyone's eyes widened as I heard the loud noise of flesh ripping and blood splattering. I coughed and blood splattered from my mouth and onto Haku's face. I looked down and saw that Kakashi's hand was sticking out from my stomach, covered in my blood.

I felt my eyes burn and I looked up at Haku, hot and stinging pain flowing throughout my entire body as electricity flowed through me, "S-Sharingan.." Haku gaped and I fell to my knees, pushing Kakashi's hand out of my stomach.

I coughed harshly as blood poured from my wound and fell around me. I vomitted the metallic red liquid into my hand and huddled over.

"A-Atsu...?" Kakashi whimpered as I placed a hand over my wound,

"Damn... That hurts like a bitch..."

"W-Why would you..!!!" Tazuna gaped and Sakura screamed, "Atsu!!!" Naruto yelled and started to run over to me.

"Stop fighting already!!" I yelled out and everything became silent, "We all know Gato is just going to drop you Zabuza. We all know this is useless! So just stop it!! I'm fucking dying for you pieces of shit and I don't even like you!!" I sobbed out in pain as my body started to heat up even more, scortching me.

"You people don't know me and when I'm dead no one is going to care! So stop fighting so someone you do care about doesn't die..." I whimpered out before I started to drift in and out of consciousness, "I don't want anyone else to leave too."

I sobbed one last time before the pain became too much and I let darkness overcome me.

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