Seeing My Enemy, the Mutt

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Atsu is back! Yay <3 Everything is great with the world! Not -.- This is Naruto, nothing is ever okay with it XD its either crazy, creepy, filler, or fighting in Naruto XD Anyway...


I sent Greek and Latin off to get something for me, and so I was alone for the time being. I walked through the crowd and was suddenly pulled away from the crowd and towards a table. I let out a small gasp when I fell onto a seat.

I looked up and found the same pair of pale blue-green eyes I had found when Greek and Latin came back home. I noticed them soften before a hand ruffled my hair, making me puff out my cheeks, "Hey, what do you think you're doing?" I muttered when I noticed the two brats from when Greek and Latin came back home.

"G-Gaara.." Blondie tried to speak, but stammered. I looked back up at the eyes before looking at the rest of the boy's features. He had spiky red hair, fair skin, and no eyebrows. Gaara was his name, hmm?

'Imouto....' A deep voice purred and I slightly tilted my head.

"Shuka...ku.." I poked Gaara's stomach and he rose a non-existant eyebrow, so it just looked like his skin was moving on its own.

"Oh god..... You have no eyebrows..." I held my hands over my mouth and let out a small laugh, trying to hold it in, "It just looks like your skin is moving on its own..!" I said into my hands, making it come out muffled, which I was grateful for.

I coughed before grabbing Gaara's rough hand and suddenly stuck his index finger into my mouth, making the two brats beside us sweat drop, "What the hell?" Kitty-man whispered to blondie and she shrugged. Gaara stared at me as I pricked his finger with my fangs, injecting him with some tracking venom I invented while training with the White Snake Sage.

I licked Gaara's blood away before giving his hand back to him, "Imouto-san..." Gaara murmered and I sheepishly moved his mouth with my thumbs, making him look like he was giving me a creepy smile.

"God no." I murmered and furrowed my eyebrows before pushing the tip of his nose up, making him look like an emotionless, red-headed, pale, pig.

"Oink, oink, oink! I'm a bunta! Oink, oink, oink! I'm a bunta! Oink, oink, oink! I'm a little chubby bunta!" I sang childishly and his two teammates sweat dropped deeply.

"What is wrong with her?" Ms. Blondie asked, sighing.

"Probably dropped as a baby," Kitty-man suggested and they both nodded, "Wait, you look like a panda... Squeaky noises, squeaky noises?"

"I think they growl actually," Blondie suggested and I stared at her before pulling her cheeks, making her turn a bright pink, "Have you ever seen a panda? I don't think so! They make squeaky noises! Squeak! Squeak!"

"Okay, okay!" Blondie smacked my hands away and I blew a raspberry at her, "Suck my a-" I started but interrupted when I heard it.

"Sasuke-kun! Your late!!"

My eyebrow twitched in irritation and I let out a struggled sigh, "Hm?" Gaara let out in a silent question and I huffed.

"My classmates are here... Wait..." I suddenly shot up from my seat and quickly ran through the crowd.

Once I got to the front, I quickly tackled the pineapple-haired boy, causing him to topple over, "Shika!" I exclaimed and snuggled into Shikamaru's cheek, making his eyebrow twitch slightly as he sighed, giving me a light hug back, "It's nice to see you too, Atsu."

"I almost died," I said bluntly and Shika started coughing, making me let go, "What the-?!" He started but I interrupted.

"Hey Choji," I ruffled Choji's spiky brown hair and he nodded, still munching on his potato chips, "Hey Atsu-chan."

I felt a sudden pleading look directed at me and so I turned around. Sasuke was looking at me with a pleading look, and I saw Sakura and Ino fighting over him. I stared at him, smirked, and flipped him off. Sasuke glared at me and I mouthed, 'Suck a dong.'

"Yahoo! Found you!" My eyebrow twitched at that annoying voice.

"H-Hello.." Hinata said shyly while Shino was silent, "Well well, everyone is assembled."

"Jeez... You guys too?" Shikamaru said, slightly annoyed.

"I see.... All ten of this year's rookie genin are taking the exam. I wonder how far we will get... Eh, Sasuke?"

"Even Dollface is here to! Never thought I'd see you," Kiba smirked at me at me and I scuffed.

"I'd slap you.... But that'd be animal abuse."

Kiba growled and we slightly inched closer, "What'd you say?" He growled out and I sighed.

"Deaf and stupid? Wow, you'll never get girls that way."

"At least I'd have a love life," He shot back.

"With your mom, maybe."

"Well at least I have a mom," Kiba sneered and I glared at him harshly, grabbing him by the collar.

"Listen to me punk, ever talk about my parents again, and I'll whoop your sorry ass." I threatened harshly and he gulped before smirking.

"Bring it on, dollface," I was about to punch him in his ugly ridden face, when Sakura stopped me.

"Guys! Quit fighting!"

I paused before sighing and letting go of Kiba roughly, "You're lucky," I growled before giving a little cold glance at Sakura.

Sakura's face turned red and she glared at me harshly, "I thought you were going to 'whoop my sorry ass'? You gone soft on us?" I scuffed before turning away, realizing I forgot to say 'hi' to Hinata, Shino and Akamaru.

"Hey Hinata." I waved to the shy girl and she gave a small one back.

"Hello Atsu-chan..." She said in a small voice.

"Hey Shino." I ruffled his hair and he nodded back.

"How's everything going?" I asked and Shino shrugged.

"Kiba's being loud and annoying...... As usual."

"Have any luck with Naruto, Hinata?" I turned to her and she turned a bright red before shaking her head, making me sigh.

"How are G-Greek-chan and L-Latin-kun?" She asked and I shrugged.

"They just came back from a trip and right now their getting something for me," I rested my hand in my hair and sighed, "I'm going to be leaving after the second exam and then I'm going to be leaving after the Chunin Exams..... God, I'm so busy these days..."

"W-Where are you going?" Hinata asked worriedly, seeing as I am one of the only people she confides in basically.

"That's classified, but it's for training purpuses."

"How long are you going to be gone?" Shino asked and I crossed my arms.

"Probably a week or so, maybe two. I'm a pretty good learner, so probably a week."

"W-Well I hope your training goes w-well...." Hinata muttered and I ruffled her hair.

"You guys should get a lot of training in too, you'll need it."

"Hey you guys, you should really be more quiet," I heard someone say and I looked past shit-face and Akamaru, only to see a man with ash-grey hair held in a ponytail, onyx eyes, and black rimmed circular glasses. He wore a purple outfit and the Konoha hitai-ate. I furrowed my eyebrows at him, getting a bad feeling.

I don't remember seeing him around Konoha.

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