Sand Ninja

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I just finished watching Naruto Shippuden: The Movie XD now I'm watching Naruto Shippuden: The Movie: Bonds! The graphics aren't too good, but meh. Their still some good movies.


Sasuke sneered at me as I blew a rasberry at him, "Your such a little kid..." Sasuke grumbled.

"Well atleast I've grown more than you." I retorted and he grunted before walking away, Sakura following close behind him like a good little puppy.

As usually, Sakura was rejected by Sasuke and Naruto suggested for her to train with him, and Kakashi left suddenly, leaving me alone with these idiots. I noticed a stupid rectangular rock following after Naruto and I sweat dropped.

"That is probably the worst disguise I've ever seen. I'm being nice here," I muttered as three kids sprouted from the box, "That's the man I view as a rival!" Konohamaru exclaimed, two other kids behind him. One was a little girl and the other was a potato shaped boy.

"Oh, it's you Konohamaru," Naruto crossed his arms behind his head, "Huh? What's with the goggles?"

"Hehe, we're copying the old you, bro!" Konohamaru exclaimed happily, "Ahh.." Naruto said in boredom.

"Hey Konohamaru," I waved to Konohamaru lazily and he blushes lightly, grinning back, "Hey bro! Did you ask Sakura out yet?" Konohamaru whispered to Naruto and he turned a pale pink, as did Sakura.

"Well..." Naruto giggled and Sakura punched him harshly, "WRONG!!!"

"Boss! No leader, don't die!" Konohamaru exclaimed worriedly and glared at Sakura, "You ugly bitch!!" He exclaimed and Sakura gained a big fat irk mark.

Next thing I know, everyone is running from Sakura and I'm somehow walking along with them.

"How the hell did I get here?" I murmured when suddenly;

"That hurt..."

Konohamaru bumped into a Sand Ninja with kitty ears and makeup on. Cosplay?

Next to the cosplayer was a girl with sandy blonde hair held back in four ponytails with a giant fan on her back.

The cosplayer grabbed Konohamaru by the collar of his shirt and hoisted him in the air. Naruto started to yell at kitty-man and kitty-man looked pretty agitated.

"Don't. We'll get yelled at later," Blondie said and Naruto went to attack kitty-man, but Naruto just fell on his ass.

"Oh leaf genin.... Are weak," Kitty-man said and a silent wind blew before I disappeared and reappeared, gripping kitty-man's wrist tightly.

"I'd appreciate..." I crunched kitty-man's wrist, making him yelp out in pain.

"...... If you'd let go of Konohamaru," I gave kitty-man a harsh glare and he cringed away and let go of Konohamaru, "Thank you." I wiped away my glare and carried Konohamaru over to Naruto.

Suddenly, I heard a yelp and I turned around to see kitty-man holding his wrist and looked up, seeing Sasuke tossing a rock in the air, "What are you bastards doing in our village?"

"Atsu-chan~!!" I heard a voice sing out and I turned around, only to be tackled by a large wall of black fur before a large pink tongue started to roughly lick my face.

"Greek! You baka!" I heard Latin yell and Greek was ripped off me, allowing me to sit up, "Neh!!! We missed you so much Atsu-chan!" Greek cried out and I lightly snickered.

Greek had grown to be above my waist in her wolf form, and Latin a bit above Greek, "I see you've grown," I exclaimed and the two nodded eagerly, "Just in time.... I need to speak with you guys later."

I turned around suddenly and looked up to find a pair of pale blue-green eyes staring at me. I stared back at them and heard a voice, 'Imouto...'

The eyes narrowed at me and I followed the action, 'Bring me my imouto, bring her to me.... I want my imouto...'

I looked away from those cold eyes and furrowed my eyebrows. What was that voice? Imouto?

"I'm going.... Home..." I muttered to Naruto and he looked at me worriedly as I walked towards the forest, Greek and Latin following close behind me.


I was walking towards my usual singing spot when I saw a boy sitting near the lake. He had shaggy black hair, pale skin, and he wore only black clothing.

The boy had a sketchbook in his hands and so I told Greek and Latin to stay there.

"You can come out," The boy said in a monotone voice and I slowly walked over to him, "Hey."

The boy was silent as he continued to sketch in his book and so I just silently took a seat next to him, watching him draw a couple of kunai stuck in the ground.

"Nice picture," I complimented him and the boy looked at me with blank coal eyes, "Thank you."

"You can call me Atsu... What's your name?" I asked the boy and he stared at his sketchbook, "I don't... Have one..." He murmured and I furrowed my eyes.

"Then I'll call you... Sai," I said and Sai tilted his head before nodding, "I like that name."

"Can I show you something?" I asked and Sai nodded me, "Come on out." I waved my hand towards Greek and Latin.

Greek and Latin jumped out of the bushes and walked towards us, "This is Greek and Latin," I introduced them and Greek happily licked Sai's cheek, making him slightly cringe away.

"Hello Sai! It's awesome to met you!" Greek exclaimed happily and Latin grunted, "Don't turn into Duckbutt, Latin." I grumbled and Greek giggled.

"Anyway, I draw too. See?" I pulled out my old sketchbook and handed it to him.

"They are very nice."

"Thanks," I muttered as I placed my elbow on my knee and rested my chin on my open palm, "Atsu-chan and Sai-chan are such good artists!" Greek exclaimed and Latin nodded.

"Thank you," Sai nodded and I pet their heads effecionantly, "Thanks guys."

I think I'm gonna like Sai.

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