Bonus (1)

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Bonus (1)

"This was a team building simulation, not intended to break the team up!" Kakashi exclaimed, looking over the team in disappointment.

"It's not my fault, Atsu was the one who suggested handing me off to the slave house ninjas." Sasuke grumbled, glaring at Atsu menacingly.

"I was the only one thinking logically, they had kidnapped Naruto. I know you could have been escaped, but Naruto... Is Naruto." Atsu reasoned, crossing her arms over her chest defensively.

"That's still no reason to hand him off to the slave house ninja, Atsu..." Kakashi murmured and Atsu glowered at him, "Shut up Kakashi, no one asked you." She snapped, and Kakashi raised his hands in surrender.

"Whatever, I'm going back to the house." Atsu huffed, turning away and starting her walk back home.

"I'm going to go check up on Sakura, do you wanna come?" Naruto asked Atsu and she glanced at him, "No." She said simply, shaking her head.

"Okay.." He looked down before dashing off to Sakura's home, where Sakura was currently fighting off the Flu.

"Hey, I'm not done with you yet!" Sasuke growled, jumping after her as she started jumping form roof to roof.

"Give it up Sasuke, you'll never catch up to me." Atsu exclaimed as she started pushing herself further, Sasuke harrowing his eyes as he pushed himself to catch up with her. "Shut up."

He followed her to Training Area 7, stoping before the wooden posts and looking around, realizing the white-haired female was gone.

"Looking for me?" Atsu called, crouching on the wooden post on his left. He jumped back, slamming his back into the wooden post on his right. "Heh, stupid." She snickered, making him grumble.

"You surprised me." Sasuke mumbled, standing straight and watching her. "Well, why'd you follow me?" She rose an eyebrow and he blinked, before looking away.

"I just wanted you to apologize for threatening to hand me over to the slave house ninjas." He said hurriedly, and she rose an eyebrow. "No."

"What?" Sasuke looked at her, lips pursed.

"I said no. I'm not apologizing." She shook her head, jumping off the post. "You'll have to make me apologize."

"Is that a challenge?" He smirked slightly, taking a step towards and Atsu glanced back at him. "If your up for it."

A shuriken was thrown, it hit Atsu straight in the back. She puffed in a large lump of white smoke. Sasuke was tackled to the ground with a grunt, his hands pulled and restrained over his head by chains.

A smug Atsu straddled his waist, her arms crossed over her chest as she looked down at him with blank eyes. Although, her aura held a smug amusement. Sasuke growled at her, glaring at her harshly and she snickered.

"Calm down, Duckbutt. Your going to strain yourself." She exclaimed, watching as he pulled his arms forward and sat up slowly. Their bodies brushed against each other, their faces close together.

"Unchain me." He grumbled, tugging on the chains and she blinked innocently, "Whatever do you mean?" She tilted her head slightly, before letting a small smirk play at her lips.

"Atsu-" He spat between his clenched teeth, and she laughed, silencing him. Whether it was fake or not, he couldn't tell — the sound was methodical and beautiful, reminding him of.. Sairen. He was silently watching her, in slight awe.

It was cliche of him, but her silky white hair seemed to glisten in the sun light, her closed eyes and seemingly joyous face making his cheek redden.

"Oh Sasuke." She cooed teasingly, opening her eyes and raising an eyebrow at his flustered expression. "What's up with your face?" She asked, poking his cheeks and he snapped his head away from her, looking off to the horizon.

His cheeks only brightened in color, willing his mind to stop thinking of how gorgeous she looked. "Wow, your cheeks are red, what'd you do? Eat a sweet tomato? Well, you know what they say. You are what you — "

Sasuke found her rambling rather annoying, and so his mind figured he'd stupidly cut her off by.... kissing her. What kind of idiot was he? ONE WITH A DEATH WISH APPARENTLY!

Atsu froze when her lips came into contact with his, her red eyes wide as she watched Sasuke. 'Oh god. He's kissing me,' She thought lamely, her hands resting on his chest. 'What do I do?'

Her mind seemed to blank out on her, and she was simply a frozen, surprised statue in his lap. After a moment of realization, Sasuke had pulled away, eyes wide and lips parted.

Atsu brushed her fingers over her now moist lips, gazing at Sasuke with conflicted eyes. He'd actually just... He'd really just kissed her?

There was silence and then Sasuke's mouth started moving, in an attempt to apologize for his sudden action when Atsu suddenly leaned in and gave him a short kiss, not even giving him enough time to react.

She was suddenly gone in a white flash, as were the chains restraining his hands. After a moment of processing that information, he suddenly stood and glanced out.

What had the kiss meant for their future?

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