Neji Hyuga? More like YOUR GOING TO HELL

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| Atsu |

Once I had regained my senses, I had realized that Naruto and Kiba's fight was over. I glanced over the railings and saw the said dog boy laying on a cot.

I turned to Naruto, whom was laying a healing material on his wounds and I nonchalantly punched his shoulder. "Ow! Atsu-chan!" He cried, and I rolled my eyes. "What was that for?"

"You'll be fine." I shoved her face gently and he stumbled, just as I heard the familiar ping of the choosing screen.

My eyes widened slightly and I looked for Hinata, only to see her already walking up to Neji. "Hinata..."

My hearing seemed to dissipate as I watched the Hyuga cousins converse.

Please, just don't die.

I held my breathe, my hands clasping together, resting my lips against my fingers.

For once, I was actually worried. Hinata was a sweet girl, who would do anything for the ones she loved. She couldn't hurt Neji, he was her family.... That's what I feared.

Neji hated her with a burning passion, and would do anything to her.

".... N-No. I... I wanted... Wanted to change myself.. Do it... Myself." Hinata stammered, and I stared at her. She was so sweet and innocent, how would she be able to fair as a shinobi? She couldn't, not now. Maybe one day, when she was strong enough and had enough resolve.

"Hinata-Dana... It's just as I thought, you are a spoilt brat of the main house." Neji stated in an angry tone, making Hinata look up at him in surprise. "Huh..?"

"People cannot change themselves!" He furrowed his thin eyebrows, his fists clenching. "Losers are losers... Their personality and strengths cannot change."

| Third Person |

"Because people cannot change, differences are born. Expressions like elite and loser are created."

Hinata simply stood as she was mocked by her cousin, as her dreams were shattered by his simple words strung together to break her heart.

"Looks, abilities, brains, size, personality... All people judge and are judged based on these attributes. Based on their unchangeable factors, people discriminate and are discriminated against. And they suffer within their own means."

Neji tilted his head down, watching her as he went on. "Just like the fact that... I am from a branch house and you are from a main house cannot be changed..

Naruto grit his teeth together, anger boiling his blood as the veins in his neck started to pop.

Sakura glanced at Atsu, and was surprised to see her gone, nothing but an indented railing.

"Atsu..." She whispered, glancing around for that flurry of white hair or those big red eyes that seemed to sparkle no matter where she stood or how she felt.

| Atsu |

It's funny.

It's funny, how I would willingly kill for my own selfish needs, but......

But watching Hinata, the kindest and shyest person I know, being beaten and broken by her own family?

That was one thing I couldn't stand for.

I was outside the arena, my back against the wall and my eyes closed. I crossed my arms over my chest, sighing softly as I zoned out.

It was peaceful, in my own little world. Blue skies and green grass, little flowers and big trees. I could almost smile at the sight, when my little world was destroyed in a flaming ball of annoyance called Kiba Inuzuka.

"Dollface!" The ugly mutt cooed, limping over to me in crutches. His body was wrapped up in bandages, his torso abandoned of a shirt or his usual, rustic jacket. I stared at him blankly, my lips pursed as I tried not to pop a new hole in him. Or close one up.

"What do you want, mutt?" I muttered, and the Inuzuka narrowed his eyes at me. "I was just going to tell you congrats on making it to the next stage, jeez." He grumbled and I rose an eyebrow.

"If that's all.... get going." I waved my hand dismissively, standing straight as I turned to walk out the building. "Shouldn't you be watching everyone fight?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"...." I stopped in my tracks, my eyes trained on my sandles

"Aren't you going to answer me?"

"I won't watch as my... friends are beaten."

"You're not giving them enough credit-"

I wasn't there long enough to hear the rest of his commentary.


hi, sorry I haven't updated in a while... :,) I've been sick for most of this month and I haven't really had the motivation to write.

Sorry it's short too, it's kinda a filler but Idek man I'm kind of dying inside so


Naruto doesn't belong to me only Atsu, any characters I imagine, and this FanFiction.


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