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| Third Person |

The cries of a woman could be heard across the barren white planes, and the Ōtsutsuki clan members scrambled around, completing the orders of the young Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki.

"Lord Hagoromo! The baby is coming!" A female cried, and Hagoromo nodded curtly.

Another loud cry could be heard, and the bustling soon stopped. "Push once more, Lady Kaguya!"

"Don't tell me to push!" Kaguya's loud snarl made Hagoromo chuckle and shake his head. He stepped into the birthing room, but quickly cringed back at the scene.

Kaguya was drenched with sweat, the thin cloth that covered her body clung to her skin like a leech. Her long white hair fell back as she tilted her head towards her chest. Blood covered the mattress underneath her as her face contorted in pain. The Rabbit Goddess let out a ferocious cry, before her hand madden smiled as the cries of a child were heard.

"I want to see her-" Kaguya's command was interrupted as her eyes widened and she screamed. "Lady Kaguya!" The hand madden gasped and scrambled to get the next child.

It was not but moments before that the hand madden pulled away, their expressions grave. Kaguya stared at them, her eyes narrowed as she took deep breathes. "What is it? Let me see my children."

"Mother.." Hagoromo knelt beside Kaguya, and placed a hand on her shoulder. He shook his head and tears whelmed in her eyes. "Let me see my children!" She commanded in a shaky but loud voice, and the hand madden nodded quickly before bringing the new borns to their mother.

"Oh my babies... My beautiful children." Kaguya smiled, taking her children happily as Hagoromo helped her sit up. "I have such beautiful children.."

"One more boy, one girl..." She murmured, tears streaming down her face as she stared down at her dead baby girl. "Oh my baby girl.." She leaned over, placing a loving kiss atop her daughter's pale forehead. "My Ten-"

Suddenly, a soft coo interrupted her and Kaguya blinked, pulling away. Heat whelmed in her chest and she cried tears of happiness, "My baby girl is alive!"


| Atsu |

My eyes sprung open, my breathe deep and ragged as I clenched my hands into fists around my silk blankets. It took minutes for my pulse to calm as I pursed my lips together as I glanced around my room.

The spaces beside me were void and cold, suffocating me in an unbearable loneliness. I shifted, placing my two pillows on either side of me as I blankly pulled my blanket over myself and the two pillows.

Greek and Latin had apparently never returned after I sent them off during the second phase of the Chunin Exams.

A silent eternity passed by, my throat caught as I tried to regain my usually passive expression.

They were just pawns. Don't worry yourself over them- there will always be more of them.

I wanted so hard to believe in those words, just so the tightening of my throat and the cloudiness of my eyes would disappear.

But I couldn't. Greek and Latin were my best friends. They were my right and left hand men. I trusted them with everything in me, and this disappearance had my emotions tossing and turning as if they were experiencing their worst nightmare.

This truly was my worst nightmare.

It would've been a matter of time before the two demons would have left me for something better, after all, I was a lost cause. They wanted me to perform this huge duty, to save them.

How could I save anyone if I couldn't even save myself?

With my confidence depleted and heart clenched, my feet slid onto the soft carpet of my room. I silently made my way through the dark house, the only light coming from Kakashi's room. I paused outside the lit up doorway, chewing on my bottom lip anxiously.

Why were my emotions being so disobedient today?

Tears filled my eyes as I pushed open the door without knocking and rushed in, catching the half-naked ninja slightly off-guard. My shoulders shook as I latched onto him, holding back my harsh sobs as I clung to him desperately, my hold strong.

"Atsu, what are you doing up this late?" Kakashi murmured, his chiseled features revealed, clearly making him a little uncomfortable. "Atsu...?" He watched me with slightly wide eyes, his arms gently wrapping around my smaller form. I sniffled quietly, burrowing my face further into his chest.

"Tell anyone about this and I'll rip off your arms." I stated, a lone tear slipping through my ducts and falling down my cheek dramatically.

He remained, rubbing my back slowly; he felt like my father right then.

My heart bubbled with multiple emotions I could never have recalled if I ever had felt such informalities. This was an entirely new experience; never, have I ever cried in front of anyone.

Hm, at least, that I can remember.

The silence was broken when I pulled away, my bare feet causing the wood to creek. "Goodnight." I muttered under my breathe, keeping my head low as I scolded myself for showing such frivolousness.

I quickly rushed to my bedroom, my eyes puffy as I stepped into my bathroom. The sudden light burned my eyes and I squinted at my reflection, red veins reaching angrily for my pupils.

Water splashed my face as I let out a heavy sigh, shaking my head, my long white hair falling from it's tight bun. I clenched my hands into fists as k stared at the water falling into the white sink.

How could I be so foolish? Allowing such a trivial and insignificant problem to disrupt my thoughts and destruct me from my plans?

My face hardened, my jaw clenched, before I relaxed.

I was ready to go back to bed.

Okay, another chapter! This is a little bit of a deeper look into Atsu, not so much of the badass that we all know and love.

So, what do you think of Greek and Latin's disappearance? About Atsu's dream?

Give me some suggestions for the next few chapters as well- if I should do anything for the ending of the book!

Anyways, that's all for now :3 sorry it took so long to update, I've been extremely busy.

Wolfie-chan, out!

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