Home Again!

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I just started watching Family Guy again XD It's still funny! ANYWAY, I'm really sick and so I have to wait for this thing to go for about 8 to 10 days DX

@~Third Person~@

Team Seven, was explaining the rest of their latest adventure to Atsu. "Wait, hold up. Zabuba's a woman?" Atsu rose an eyebrow and they nodded. "Well... That's nice." Atsu coughed before letting them continue.

"The Great Natsu Bridge?" Atsu exclaimed, before sighing. "What in the world.."

"It's your official ship name! I wonder what your children will look like~!" Sakura exclaimed and Naruto turned a bright red.

"Sakura!" Naruto yelled and Sakura hit him across the head. "Ow! What was that for!" He cried, holding his now red head.

"Just because." Sakura shrugged and Atsu smirked slightly, but it disappeared quickly. "Was that a smirk? Did you just smirk?" Sakura gasped, pointing at Atsu's mouth.

"No. I didn't." Atsu replied and Sakura giggled.

"Atsu smirked! Atsu smirked!" Sakura sang, dancing in a circle. Naruto soon followed after, copying her actions, not really knowing what was going on.

"Don't encourage her."

"Why not?!"

"You don't even know what she's talking about."

( Next Day )

Atsu slept on Kakashi back as he walked towards their team, "Hey guys! We got lost!" Kakashi exclaimed as Atsu silently slept on his back.

"Stop lying to us with a straight face!!!" Sakura yelled and Naruto started to complain about the missions being to easy.

Atsu started to stir from her dreams and her eyes wavered a bit before relaxing once her eyes landed on Naruto's small frame in front of Kakashi. Her eyes softened before closing once again, returning to her unpleasent dream plane.


I stared at a white crib, inside, sat a crying baby with its pale chubby arms stretched out. A dark figure suddenly appeared in front of the baby's crib, making the baby inside silent before it giggled, suprising the figure.

I looked closer and found out the figure was a dark-skinned woman with bright purple hair, a pair of black horns sprouted from her head, and a pair of bright yellow eyes adorned her delicate features. She wore... Revealing... Clothing, with a large black cloak placed over her shoulders.

She stretched her arms towards the baby when suddenly, Kaguya bursted into the room. Her eyes narrowed, glaring at the woman that stretched her arms towards the baby. The demon-woman glared right back at Kaguya before snatching the giggling baby and my eyes widened.

I saw that baby in a picture back in...... Never mind.

"Let go of her!" Kaguya growled as the baby started to drift to sleep in the demon-woman's arms.

"Never. She does not belong in this time! I shall not let her die too!" The woman hissed at Kaguya and a demon-horse suddenly appeared beside the woman.

The horse's body was black while it's legs where a very light baby blue. It's mane and tail were a dark teal, and its ribs showed through it's skin. The skin around it's mouth was ripped, showing off it's razor sharp, wolf-like teeth. There was a flaming skull on the horse's first right foreleg, seeing as the horse itself had four forelegs and four red eyes.

The woman hissed at Kaguya, a forked tongue sticking out from her luscious lips, "Jigoku!! Don't you dare take her away from me!!" Kaguya cried out and ran to attack Jigoku, but Jigoku just glared at Kaguya before jumping onto the demon-horse and the horse let out a loud neigh, "Kyolta, Ketsueki-ba!"

Ketsueki-ba let out another loud neigh, causing the roof of the baby's room to blast open and the horse flew out through the hole. Kaguya jumped up through the hole and jumped to grab the horse's tail, but missed. She fell back down to the ground and watched Jigoku fly away, tears whelming in the eyes.

"A-Atsu..." Kaguya sobbed out as Jigoku looked back at Kaguya falling to her knees before tears flowed down her cheeks, making Jigoku sneer.

"It's okay, my dear. Your safe now.." Jigoku whispered to the baby... Atsu.... Me...

My eyes shot open and I heard, "Yeah! Yeah! You're the one ruining our teamwork, Sasuke! Always hogging the spotlight, you bastard!!" Naruto exclaimed and I blinked a bit before realizing I was sleeping in Kakashi's arms like a baby.

"That's you. You moron. If you want me to stop making fun of you..." Sasuke started, looking over at Naruto.

"Than just become stronger than me," Sasuke said and I slid out of Kakashi's arms.

"Well than you'll have to get stronger than me, Sasuke." I said bluntly and everyone turned to me in surprise, while Sasuke glared at me.

"Don't start, Sasuke. You know you won't win," I said simply before knocking him across the head, "You dumbass."

"Ow!" He grumbled before holding his head and glaring at me, "Stop being such an ass, Duckbutt. No one has time to deal with your man-period, okay?"

"I don't have a man-period!"

"Than why are you yelling?"


"Wide vocabulary you got there, duck impersonator."

"Shut up."

"Make me."

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