"What are you doing here?"
"Freya you have gone so big. I did not even know you were married" he said with little hope in his voice.
"Go back" I don't understand why after all this time he chose to come back now. "I made it clear a long time ago. Why are you here"
Derek sensed that I was upset so he subtly pulled me closer to him to provide me with some sort of comfort.
"I wanted to see you again, I changed now Freya"
"You honestly think I would forgive you for what you did. You killed mum and you have the audacity to stand in front of me, if I didn't run away, you would probably have gambled me as well...so if you came to ask forgiveness. You are not forgiven"
"But I changed Freya" he did look different, he wore a suit and tie, smoothly shaven face. Those tears welling up in his eyes may have fooled me long ago, but I grew up, they no longer fooled me.
"Your appearances may have changed but your personality is still as shitty as ever. Go away!"
"I think its best if you leave" Derek butted in, he rubbed small circles on my back in an attempt to calm me down, but it didn't look like it was working very well. I pulled out of Derek's hold and began to walk away but was stopped when I heard.
"I am sorry Freya and I know nothing in the world would make up for what I have done but it took a lot from me to pull out from that dark hold... if you're worried about why I didn't meet or contact you throughout these years then to be honest it's because I didn't have the courage to meet so I decided to build myself just enough so I could reach your level and ask you for forgiveness"
I turned around and noticed that he said all of that stuff while kneeling on the ground...so I looked him dead straight in the eye and said, "If you want forgiveness don't ever show me your face again and don't even try to worm yourself into my child's life."
He dared to come in front of me after driving my mother to suicide, he dared to come in front of me and ask for forgiveness...I am not that naïve. No matter what stage I was in my life I would never forgive him.
I slammed the door behind and walked inside furiously. He ruined my entire mood and now for the rest of the day, I am going to be all crabby.
"Hey, kiddo. You, okay?"
said peter as he hooked an arm around my neck at that minute, I don't know what was happening to me but something in me snapped I quickly looked around to see if there was no one before I exploded.
"I know you know"
"You know I know what?" he asked bewildered.
"Peter no one is here, I Know that you know about the secret that I have been hiding for months"
He hung his head as he said "I know"
"Why didn't you tell anyone?" I asked as my anger began to fade.
"Because it was your secret to tell"
I could feel a tear betray me as it fell. "I am not going to tell anyone and you are not going to tell anyone either so please keep your promise"
He softly wiped a tear away from my face and bent down so he could speak to my stomach. "I promise you little one, that I am going to treat you like a princess"
I smiled softly as I rubbed my hand in circles "Her name is Allison"
The minute he heard that he shot up from his position "What!"
"Lydia warned me about this incident" I muttered to myself as I walked away and began to nibble on another cupcake when Derek walked into the kitchen again. Peter looked at him and then at me before he said "Did you know about this"
Derek raised an eyebrow as a reply as to what Peter was talking about "Freya decided to keep the baby's name Allison" I could see Derek's eyes widen before he yelled "What!"
You can just make out that they related through and through.
"Look no matter what you say I am not changing my decision," I said with determination laced in my voice.
"Did you know she tried to kill us? She killed me twice" he pointed at himself to emphasize his point.
"And you are still alive" I countered.
"I am an alpha of course I am alive." Said peter.
"I refuse, even Janet is a good name" responded Derek.
"Janet is a terrible name even peter would agree with that"
"Look no matter what I am keeping her name, Allison"
"Fine" Derek stumped his foot and continued "I am keeping her second name jane then" I simply nodded my head in response.
"And I am keeping her nickname JoJo" they can be such children. I swear. I just shook my head and went back outside to where Lydia, Re and the rest of the crew were grilling our food.
"Re where is Wil, I have not seen since forever" she scrunched her face up and responded "After your wedding was the last time, I saw him apparently when I last spoke to him, he was busy with some project"
"When is he coming back" I don't want to die without seeing one of my best friends.
"Next year" looks like I am not going to be seeing him at all and I want to see him. One last time.
I am sorry Wil.

Write it on the skyline( Derek Hale)
FanficEveryone falls in love but few stay in love. Freya had everything in life besides him and he had nothing in life besides her. *** "I have to do this" he said with a pained look on his face as be placed a square and soft velvety box in my hand and le...