Chapter 34

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Chapter 34


I woke up to the sound of an angelic voice. "Im in love with the though of-" i turned of my alarm clock and looked at the time. 9AM. Nate said that i need to be at the studio at around eleven. Enough time. I went into my shower and washed myself. Then i dryed my hair and put on black undergarments. I grabbed black skinny jeans and a lose white top. Its freaking hot outside today. I changed into that and put on all black and white vans. I straightened my hair and applied some mascara. I brushed my teeth and sat on my bed.
From: Andrew
Are we doing the collab today?
Shut. Totally forgot about that.
To: Andrew
I'm sorry i need to record my Q&A and im going to the studio with Nate. We'll do it tomorrow
From: Andrew
Its okay. Have fuuun girl❤
Thank god he isnt mad. I looked at my phone and saw that it was time to go. I grabbed my all white pennyboard and my backpack. I packed my equitment and chargers. I walked downstairs and wrote a quick note for everyone befor i left. I was driving to the studio when i spotted a starbucks. The white girl in me screamed i need to go so i went. I bought myself a caramel frappuchino, for Nate a chocolate frappuchino and for Sammy a caramel machiatto with extra caramel topping. Its his favorite. I grabbed the drinks and began driving my way slowly to the studio. I arrived safely without spilling my drinks. I had my pennyboard in one hand and the drinks in my other. I walked up to the desk and greeted the man sitting behind it. "Hei im searching for erhm Sammy and Skate." I said confused. I never called him Skate. Its so weird. "Your name?" He asked as he tiped something on the computer. "Kylie Marie Shepard." I said. He nodded and gave me a card that i could clip on my shirt. "Studio six."He pointed somewhere and i just walked into that direction. I knocked on a door and heard two guys scream loudly. Yep thats studio six. I walked in and saw them sitting on a couch laughing about something. "Hey guuuys. I got y'all starbuucks." I said happy. "Oh my god i love you." Nate said and grabbed the drinks. "So i actually need to record a Q&A video can i do it here?" I asked unsure. "Yeah sure do." Sammy said smiling. I smiled back and put up my equitment and camera. I screenshootted some questions and the played the record button. The guys were enjoying there drinks and watching me do the video. "Hello my little strangers. Youre watching me with starbucks sitting on the floor in a damn amazing studio!" I said and made my weird face. "What are you doing in a studio!" I said throwing my hands in the air like a fangirl. "You may ask." And now i pointed to the camera. Suddendly Sammy and Nate broke into a big ass laughter. "That was hilarious!" Nate said laughing. "Well you see guys im in a studio because of my two oh so nice friends Nate and Sammy." I said and made again some stupid face. "Okay noow. As you can guess by the titel im doing a Q&A soo lets get done with it." I answered alot of question about the psychiatry and my time there. "What was the hardest situation in there?" I read. I thought about it long but i just decided to answer as truthfully as possible. "My phone got taken away from me and it wasnt just that i couldnt get on social medias. I couldnt conect with you guys. I couldnt tell y'all how i was doing." I looked at my phone and spoke up again. "And definetly that i couldnt text anyone. I was just cut off of the world and i couldnt read things that people wrote me." I looked at Sammy smiling. "@mattsbuns asked did you ever feel like giving up in there?" I looked at the name and then it clicked. "Okey first of all. I i dont know your real name but i know that i met you at that intervie and i never got to tell you that you made my whole week. I love you mattsbuns. And to answer your question no i never thought of that." I answered some more and the came to an end. "Thank you guys for waatching. If you liked this video give it a thumbs up and if you want to see some more Q&A videos then let me know in the comment below. I love you guys and we'll see us until next time. Bye" i turned off the camera and laid it back into my backpack. I sat down next to Nate and Sammy." Finaaallly we want to show you our new single. Its called wassup!" Nate said excited while he walked to the buttons and stuff. He pressed one and let it play. "Thats so amazing oh my god im so proud of you guys." I said honestly and hugged Nate. Sammy stood there and smiled at me. "I hoped you would like it." Sammy said smiling more. "Thats so interesting i've never been in a studio befor!" I said and walked into that little recording room. Nate walked out saying he needed to use the toilet. "Its so fantastic." I said grabbing the headphone that laid on the mic. Sammy walked into the room and hugged me from behind. I was paralized by his touch. As his hand touched my skin the whole world stoped moving. "Try it." He said reffering to singing. He knew that i sang here and there but never actually tried to purchase a carreer. I put the headphones on and laid my hand on top of his that were around my belly. "Darlin' I will be lovin' you
Till we're seventy" i moved my legs lightly to the beat.
"Baby my heart could still fall as hard
At twenty three" He laid his head on my shoulder as he moved to the sound of my voice.
"I'm thinkin' bout how
People fall in love in mysterious ways
Maybe just the touch of a hand"
He grabbed my hand lightly and breathed in my scent.
"Me, I fall in love with you every single day
I just wanna tell you I am
So honey now
Take me into your lovin' arms
Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars
Place your head on my beating heart
I'm thinking out loud
Maybe we found love right where we are"
I sang the last note smiling like an idiot. I closed my eyes still smiling but quickly realized what i was doing. I let his hand fall and took of the headphones. I let out a nervouse laugh and kinda stood there awkwardly. "Im sorry. I should'nt have tried." I said laughing awkwardly. I didnt mean the singing i ment the him and me part. "Kylie you sang great. You dont need to apologize." Sammy said and came closer. He held made hand but i backed away again. "No i dont mean that i mean 'that'!" I said pointing to him and me. "Im back muchachos." Nate said walking in. He stopped as he saw me and Sammy standing close to each other. "Or i can leave again." He said weirdly. "No its okay i was just kinda trying to sing." I said and walked out of the recording thing. "Naha she didnt try she actually rocked it." Sammy said and went to the table with all the buttons. "Listen!" He said. I looked at him but the heard our voice. "Its fantastic." I heard my voice say. After some time you heard Sammy whisper "Try it." I looked at Sammy mad. "You recorded it?!" I asked angrily. "Sssh listen!" Sammy said to Nate. Then you heard myself singing. I hate hearing me. Idk i feel so uncomfortable. "Oh my god Kylie youre so talented. Why did you never told me you could sing?" Nate asked exciting. "Well i knew about it.." Sammy mumbled. We hung out at the studio for a little bit but after sometime i got hungry. "Im hungry af guys!" I said laying down on the couch. "Then lets go eat." Nate said excited and ran out the door. I walked out following him. "Where are we going?" I asked. "Where ever you want us to follow you." Sammy said cheesily. I rolled my eyes. "Lets go to the spagetthi factory!" I said happy. "The what?" They both asked in usion. "Just follow me." I said grinning. I grabbed my pennyboard and they grabbed theirs. I drove until we arrived at the so called spagetthi factory. You pay 10dollars for entrec. But then its all you can eat. It has pasta and pizza. I love it. We entered it and i payed for all of us. "Come on guys." I said and we sat down on a table. They looked at the menu confused. Nate was sitting in front of my and sammy next to me. "Why arent there any prices?" Nate asked. "Its all you can eat. I already paid for you guys." I smiled. The guys smiled brightly. Yep thats a dream coming true.

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