Chapter 33

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A/N i'm thinking of doing a youtube channel but then im also pretty awkward and weird and kind of boring bu mabey i should.. what do you guys think?

Oh well youre probably not reading the authors note anyways sooo lets begin with the stoory.

Chapter 33


I tried to dance my way through the drunk crowed. I pushed myself away from all those people and reached the kitchen. "I hate people.." i said under my breath. "Me too." A guy said awkwardly. He was standing at the other end of the kitchen counter with a bottle of water. He looked around mumbling "great job andrew" I let out a giggle approaching him. "Im Kylie." I said smiling. He seemed awkward but still nice and real. "Im Andrew" he said smiling. We kept a nice conversation about random thoughts. "I think i heard of you ones or twice.." he said and answered my question about if he has youtube. "Oh you probably did.." I said and looked at the floor. God i hate talking about my past. Its so depressing. Its full with hate and pain. I just cant stand it. "Yeah youre that hilarious youtuber. You did a video with my friend Andrea right?" He said excited. I looked at him confused. No signs of 'oh god shes insane' or 'you look better now' "Thaats me!" I said giggling. "We need to collab too sometimes!" He said. I felt an arm around my shoulder. My skin felt warm and my heartbeat got faster. I breathed in when he spoke. "Oh hey Andrew i saw you met Kylie." Sammy said pressing my body closer to his. I smiled a little at this feeling. Me and him against the world. The feeling vanished away as i remembered that he got a girlfriend. "Hei Sammy.. yeah we actually got along well.." Andrew said awkwardly. Why is sammy doing this. He pushes Andrew into an awkward moment and i can see that he feels uncomfortable. I pushed Sammy away and broke free of his tight grip around my shoulder. "Lets go see where Andrea is at. Andrew." I said and walked away with Andrew behind me.


I watched her walk away. She has changed. In a good way doe. She is more independent. She doesnt need me to watch over her. This girl makes me go crazy. She got stronger. I need her more then ever. I walked out to the garden and pulled out my box of cigarettes. Malboro red. I took one and layed it between my lips. I grabbed my lighter and played with it while thinking. How am i going to make her fall in love with me. Should i like buy her stuff or just text her all the time but i also dont want to be  clingy. Oh god. I sighed and lit up my cigarette. Nate walked up to me with a confused look on his face. "Whats wrong bro?" He asked worried. "What do you mean?" I lied. "Im your best friend dont try to fool me." He said serious. I let out another huge sigh before sitting down on the steps. He sat down next to me as i took another drag and filled my lungs with the killing smoke. "Soo tell me.." Nate said. I breathed out the smoke. "I'm kinda confused what to do man.."i began. He looked at me confused again. "I dont know what it is... But whenever i see Kylie i forget about everything. I forget about Ashley a-and i forget about smoking.." I said fidling with the cigarette. "Shut up Sam. We both know what it is. You love her man."  Nate said and put his hand on my shoulder. "I do.. i really do. But how am i going to get her back." He looked at me weirdly. "Just do what you did before. Not that hard" he said like it would be the easiest thing ever. I took the last drag of my cigarette. "Not that easy. She changed bro. In a good way. She's more independent. Like she didnt even blush as i was protectiv. She always loved it and now it wont work." I snapped the end into the air. "Then you need to try harder." I let out a sigh. "Come on. We both know she still loves you."


"We can meet up tomorrow and record it!" Andrew said reffering to the collab. "That would be amazing." I answered. We couldnt find andrea so we sat down infront of the pool and put our feet in it. "So what was that with Sammy?" Andrew asked smirking. I hit his arm lightly. "Shut up." I giggled. "No tell me seriously." He said. "I dont know whats wrong with him. You know he's my ex." I said acting like its obvious. "You two were a couple?" He asked shocked. "Yeah" i said confused. I thought he knew. "I always shipped you and Nash but its whatever." He said in a girly voice. "Youre such an idiot." I said giggling again. I love friends. "Oh well." He was interrupted by his phone ringing. "Yeah sure... Why... We're at the pool. Ok bye" He looked at me smiling. "Who was it?" I asked curious. "Anthony. My best friend." He said smiling proudly. "Is he hot?" I asked creepy.. "he's 14 aaand gay." He said laughing. I began laughing hard and getting all read. Shame. "Thee queen has arrived bitches!" Someone said behind us. "But i'm already here.." i said looking up at the boy. "Oh my god youre Kylie??" He asked excited. "Yep thats meeee!" I answered smiling. I stood up wanting to give him a hug. He was just standing there looking like he would faint. "I love you so much. Youre like the biggest fighter and youre so strong. God youre one of my queens" he said with tear filled eyes. My eyes filled with tears too. Mabey he's right. I am strong. "Thank you so much." I said hugging him. "No. Thank you. You've been supporting all your lovely strangers including me so much even though you were sad." He said happy. "What the f." Andrew said confused. "Are you stupid. I talk about her all the time when we hang out. Thats Kylie Shepard." Anthony said in a 'duuh' voice. "Wait thats you?" Andrew asked shocked now. "Yeah." I said laughing nervously. "Gosh girl. We're so going to stay frienda now. Give me youre number." Andrew said. I laughed giving him and Anthony my number. "Jow Kylie."nate yelled from the stairs. He waved saying that i should come. "I'll text you guys." I said to them and walked over. "Whats up?" I asked. I sat down next to him. "We need to talk." He said serious. "What did i do wrong?" I asked as i began to panic. "Nothiing..." He said chuckling. "Its just... I wanted to talk with you about sammy." He said. I rolled my eyes immediately. Its not like i lost feelings for sammy. Im just not gonna jump into his arms like nothing happened. Because gosh a lot of things happened. "Y'all are so annoying." I stood up about to walk away. He held me back. "No wait. Okay we dont need to talk about sammy. Im sorry." Nate said a guilty look across his face. "Its alright" i gave him a hug. "But seriously now. Tomorrow you need to come with me to the studio. I want you to be the first you hears Sammy and mines first single." He said. "Sure thats going to be amazing. Just text me and where." I said excited. After that the boys and me drove home. I wanted to sleeo but it really didnt work. I went through Sammys texts again. Every single one of them made my heart jump. I just prayed to god that i wont make something stupid.

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