Chapter 21

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Someone shook me. I groaned. "Let me sleep." I said annoyed. The person still didnt stop to shake me. I turned around looking at Cams face. "What?" I snapped. "Were here." He stated smiling. "Where?" I asked confused rubbing my sleepy eyes. "LA. Now stand up Chad already checked us in and the rest is here too." He walked out of the bus. I heard screames. Girl screams to be exact. I chuckled standing up. I put my hair in a messy bun and walked out of the RV in my Pj. I walked into the early LA air. I looked at my phone seeing that its 11AM. "Too soon." I whispered rubbing my eyes again. Our fans were going crazy. They screamed and the guards needed to held them back. I hugged some and did picuteres before walking to the lobby. The cold air inside the lobby made me shiver. I pulled out Sammys hoodie from my backpack and put it on. I miss him. No you do stupid. No i dont. I closed my eyes breathing in deep and walking thowards the boys. "Kylie." Jake greeted. "Andrea shares a room with her Boyfriend Kian Lawley (idc if they broke up. I'll ship it until i die) So that means you have to share with.." Jakr looked at his paper. "Nash." He said. Nash. I looked at Nash smiling friendly. "Okay lets go." I said grabbing the Keys and nodding to the boys. They walked to the elevator. My hands began to shake and my palms felt sweaty.ding. I flinched at the sound of the elevator. The boys walked in but i stayed infront of it. "Arent you coming?" Cam asked confused. "Im just going to walk up the stairs." I said. "We're in the 5 floor." Matt said chuckling. I turned on my heels and walked to the stairs. As i arrived at my floor i heard loud laughter and screams. Yep. Thats my floor. I chuckled while walking to my room. I looked at the number thats written in gold on the door. 505. I knocked on the door not realising that i got a freaking key. I laughed at myself as the door opened revealing Nash. Shirtless Nash. I looked away as i felt guilt rush through my body. I greeted him and sat on my bed. I saw that my suitcase was already next to my closet. As i looked through my clothes i began thinking. Why am i feeling guilty. Sammy and me arent a thing anymore. We broke up. I broke up. But i love him. I never stoped loving him. My chest burned and my headached. I put my palms on my forehead. I looked up at Nash. He looked down at me worried. "Are you okay?" He asked kneeling down next to me. "Yeah." I nodded searching for my ballon. "I cant find it." I said stressed. I need the ballon. No you need to kill yourself. "Where is it?!" I asked stressed. "Wheres was??" Nash asked looking at me nervouse. "M-my ballon." I stuttered. Search for a blade. Nash looked at me his lips moving. I couldnt understand him. Ugly fat "GET AWAY." i screamed putting my head in my hands pressing my palms on my ears. You know what to do. I stood up walking past Nash. I felt him grab my waist and lifting me from the ground. "NO LET ME GO." I screamed a tear rolling down my cheek. He held me tight in his arms as we stood there. I hit his chest trying to break free. "Please let me go." I said crying into his shoulder. Nash put his arms tighter around my waist pulling me closer to his chest. I rested my head on his chest listening to his heart beat. For a moment i felt like i would hug Sammy. I snuggled deeper into his chest. "Im okay now." I said trying to break the hug but Nash just held me tighter. "Please stay." He breathed out letting the air brush my ear as he snuggled into the crotch of my neck. I closed my eyes breathing in. I tried to break the hug again. Sammys face always popped up in the back of my mind. "I love you." He whispered. My eyes got wide. "I-i.." i stuttered not being able to talk. I cant say it back. I would lie. Of course i like him but im not over Sammy. I love Sammy. Nash lifted his head up looking down at me. He put his finger on my lips. "Sshh." He said leaning in. He kept starring at my lips as he put his hand on my cheek. I couldnt move. In a weird way i wanted to kiss him but my heart told me no. I could feel his hot breath on my lips as our faces got closer. Suddendly there was a knock on the door. Nash didnt stop leaning in. I backed away. "Im going to get that." I said awkwardly walking to the door. "Heii Nate whats up?" I asked hugging him. "We have rehearsel in ten minutes so get ready." He said laughing as he saw my clothes. I was wearing some baggy sweats a tanktop and a open up hoodie. "Ha ha." I said rolling my eyes. "Im joking you know that." He said still laughing. He walked back to his room still chuckling. I turned back around again seeing Nash standing there looking at me confused. "I-im going to change." I said grabbing some clothes and locking the bathroom door behind me. I let out a heavy sigh as i got ready. I put on some black skinny jeans and a V neck shirt with Justin Biebers face on it. I got that shirt at the meet and greet. I put my hair in a high ponytail and brushed my teeth. I put on mascara and my all black vans. I grabbed my glasses debating if i should wear them or not. I just put them on and walked out. Nash wasnt in the room so i figured out he was already at the venue. I walked out the room seeing that Nate was walking to the stairs with Jack G. I ran up behind them jumping on Nates back. "Wohoo." He said laughing. He held my legs around his hips running down the stairs with Jack following us. "You can let me go." I said giggling. "Nah im good." He said running up to the venue stage. He stumbled and fell face first on the floor. "NATE!" I squeled as hit my back. We all began laughing. Me and Nate were rolling on the floor clutching our stomach. Tears streamed down my face. "Guys we need to rehears now." Chad said sternly. We calmed down and the jacks and Nate began singing their songs. After an hour or so we have finished and now we needed to prepare the meet and greet. We were about to walk to the meet and greet room when a guy ran in asking if he was to late. "No way. Youre shawn mendes!" I said excited looking at the tall canadian boy. "Yeah i am. And youre Kylie right?" He said hugging me. I squeled inside of me. He knows who i am. "Ah Shawn youre finally here. Go rehears your vocals. We are under pressure." Jake said stressed. We prepared the meet and greet and after that we had an hour left to get ready for the show. They guys decided to hang out at Nates room but i went to my room because duh i need to get ready. I grabbed a normal white v neck and kept on Sammys black open up hoodie. I just miss him. It hurts. But i cant be hurt. Im the one that fucking broke up. I sprayed some parfum on myself and opened my hair. I brushed it and let it fall into its curly self.  I decided not to wear glasses for the show. It doesnt look good. I sat on my bed going on twitter creeping on some. Ready for LA digitour. I want to hug all of my little strangers. i tweeted. I call my fans little strangers. I dont know why its just my thing. I got a phone call from Sammy. I really missed him but i dont know if its helpful to talk to him. I need to hear his voice. "Hello?" I asked. "So you moved on huh?" He asked. His voice filled with hate and anger. "What are you talking about?" I asked confused. "Dont act dumb Kylie!! You know exactly what i mean." He said. I really didnt what does he mean. "I dont know Sammy?! Tell me." I said getting annoyed. I shouldnt have picked up. I knew we would fight. "Nash." He said. How does he know that Nash and me were about to kiss. "Nothing happened. We hugged."i said honest. We didnt kiss. "Dont fucking lie to me. If Nate wouldnt have stopped you two then-" he stopped talking all of a sudden. Wait why does he know Nate. Why did he know what happened. "Why do know Nate?" I asked confused. "You never met him." I said even more confused. "That doesnt matter." He said. "Oh well it does!" I said mad. "No it doesnt. That what matters is that you moved on even though you know that youre mine." He said. "FUCKING TELL ME!!!" I said mad. "Nate is one of my best friends. We both grew up in Omaha..." He said low. "And then you just sent him to spy me?" I asked shocked. "Well no. I told me he was going too and it was just my chance... And mmh i should also tell you that Jack g and Jack j.. they also are kind of my friends from back home." He said. "Youre unbelieveable." I said. "No im not you are!" He said raising his voice. "Oh tell me why?" I asked trying to stay calm. "How long did it take for you to kiss Nash huh??" He asked mad. I stayed calm responding. "How long did it take to fuck Maya?" I asked. Someone knocked om the door. "Dont start with her. Thats over and i even apologized." He said angry. I opened the door. "It doesnt matter anyways we broke up right?" I said my heart breaking a little. Matt was on the door. "No we are fucking not Kylie. DONT SAY  SOMETHING LIKE THAT. WE LOVE EACHOTHER. AND I KNOW YOU MISS ME. DONT ACT LIKE YOU FUCKING DONT. YOU DO." He shouted. "You broke me Sammy. How can you be so confident about something like that?" I asked a tear escaping my eye. Matt was still just standing there but now Nate and the Jacks were also standing at my door. Little assholes. "Because youre mine. And im going to get you back." He said hanging up. I but my phone angrily in my pocket looking at the guys. "Whats wrong?" Jack G asked worried. Such a liar. "Oh shut up Jack. I know that you guys were spying m because of Sammy. Cut that bullshit." I snapped walking to the venue. Matt ran up to me and we walked together backstage. First we had the show and then meet and greet. Jake screamed "open the doors!" And all then you heard our fans. Their screams came closer until they reached the stage. I smiled at the thought that all of them are here because of us. First the jacks were on stage singing. Then Nate ran out singing with them. Im still mad doe. How could they spy on me. I know it was just one day but what if i didnt knew today they would have spyed on me longer. I'll propably forgive them anyways. "Matthew Espinoosaaaa." Nash screamed into the mic. Huh. When did he get on stage. I should pay attention. Matt run on stage and stumbeling. The crowed laughed and screamed at the same time. Cameron stood besides me. "When are we going on stage?" I asked. I really wanted to see all those happy faces. "Matt should call your name. And you mine." He said smiling. "IM SO NERVOUS" I shouted jumping up and down. "Calm doown." Cameron laughed. "Kylie the Queeen." Matt screamed. I giggled running up the stage. I waved to the fans as they began freaking out. I took the mic. "Heey guuuys" i said. The corwd went crazy. I giggled into the mic. We all began dancing to like that as the jacks and Nate were singing it.  When the song stoped Matt said. "What about we sing a shawn song?" They all screamed. We had the 'shawn' suprise for them. "Lets siiing. Something big" i said. We all began singing together. At the chorus shanw ran up the stagr singing it with us. "Something big i feel it happening."he sang beautiful. Mostly angelic. We all jumped danced to the song and the fans were freaking out totally. As the song was over Cam said that now its time for a Q&A.  We sat on a huge table. Me and andrea were in the middle. And on each side four guys. On my side were Nash Cam Matt and Shawn. On Andreas side were Rickey Nate and the Jacks. "So guys who got a question?" Andrea asked in a mic. A lot of hands rose. She picked a girl that hand black hair beautiful brown eyes and looked around twelve. "I got a question for Nash." She said holding the mic nervously infront of her lips. "Yes babe." The crowed went crazy and the girl looked paralized. You heard her squel. "Soo i-i wanted to ask if you ever want to move in a house with Matt Cam and Kylie." She asked. Thank god. I thought she asked something about me. "Yes that would be amazing." He said looking at us. "Thats the plan." I said looking at the boys. The Q&A went on and everybody got a question. "We have time for one more question." Nate said. "You" he said pointing to a tall skinny girl with nerd glasses and beautiful curly brown hair. "I got one for Kyls." She said smiling at me but still looking shy. "Yeah?" I said smiling at her. "Would you ever consider to get back with Sammy?" She asked shy. I saw that she fought with herself if she should say sorry or if she should say something different. "Erm i really dont know..." I said my voice shaky  i really hate talking about this. "I mean we're still friends but its not the same." I said pushing the tears back. "But he apologized." She continued. "You dont need to answer that." Cam said. "Its okay... Yeah he apologized but that doesnt fix my broken trust." I said a tear finally rolling down my cheek  "sorry i-i didnt want to make you cry." She said. After that we made one more singing and dancing act to brighten up the mood. We got off the stage and grabbed some drinks before i jumped on the couch. "This is exhausting." I said. I felt someone sit on my stomach. "Nash stand up." I said annoyed. "No." He said laughing. I giggled slightly but stopped when i saw Nate looking at us. I pushed Nash away sitting up straight. "What?" I snapped at Nate. All the guys looked at me confused but before Nate could answer Jake came in. "Meet and greet time." He said exited. We walked together to the meet and greet room. We made some snapchat storys while walking down there. We arrived at the room. I shared a table with Cam. Ten minuts later the fans came rushing in. It was the best feeling in life hugging and laughing with my fans. After about an hour the meet and greet was over. We walked back to our hotel room. All of the guys were now hanging around in my and Nash hotel room. Rickey, Andrea and Kian went shopping but i was too lazy to go so i just stuck around the boys.If you ask yourself were Kian was at the show, he doesnt attend the show andrea just invited him to join the traveling with her. We are staying two days at LA before going to Omaha. I was on my phone sitting on my bed not bothering about the guys. "Kylie?" Matt said. I didnt look up. Again lazy. "Huh?" I said creeping at my fans on instagram. "You want to go grab some food?" Nash asked. Food. I shut my head up looking at all the boys waiting for me to come. "Food?" I said curious. "Pizza hut." Kian said smirking. "LETS GOO GOO." I shouted happily jumping off my bed and running out the room. I heard the guys laugh behind me. I stopped infront of the stairs waiting for them to come. "You arent coming with the elevator?" Jack G asked confused. "Got a problem?" I snapped. All the boys looked at me with a questioning look. "Noo" Gilinsky answered still confused. "Or do you want to come with me so you can tell sammy what i did while walking down the stairs. " i said running down the stairs angry. Im still going to get my pizza doe. I waited for them to come to the lobby as i sat on the couch.

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