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I can't leave him like this? this poor guy was going to fucking kill himself I can't leave him sleeping here.

I gently lift the sleeping drunk man and rest him in my arms. I look behind the bar where my good friend Niki is- Cleaning glass cups "Hey Niki! This poor guys passed out I'll pay for his drinks then I might just take him home." I say trying to get my card out without dropping the man.

"hey hey hey! It's okay will, no need! Do u know this boy?" she says gently Trying to convince me to not pay. "Are u sure?"
she nods and smiles
"And actually? No I don't know this man but by the sounds of it he needs someone there for him so I'm going to let him crash at mine tonight."
I say looking down at the pale man.

"Are u sure will. That might be dangerous u don't even know him!" She says concerned.

I give her the look showing I know what I'm doing and that I will in fact be okay. She smiles "okay well stay safe. And good job tonight u did well!" She compliments me

Niki has been my best friend since I started first grade high school she was there for me when all the other boys picked on me for the way I looked ect . a lot of people say it's impossible to be best friends with a girl without catching feelings but I'm 100% can confirm that is a lie.

"Thank u so much! you stay safe too! Goodnight!"I say waving and taking steps away.
I make sure she looks away before I look away,  a weird trait of mine. I make sure the sleeping boy in my arms is doing okay then begin to walk down the end of the familiar corridor.I open the back door of the building and attempt to grab by car keys. It was cold outside and dark.. I finished my gig around fifteen or so minutes ago so that means it's around 11:30.what was this guy thinking of walking alone in town at midnight?. I grab my card keys and I unlock the car and gently with a bit of struggle; put the boy in the front seat buckling him in.

The drive home was awkward. A lot of overthinking has led me to feel like I just kidnapped someone. He doesn't even know me and I just brought him in a car with me and soon to be taking him home? This is creepy. But and then I think, if I were to have  left him there he probably would've done something stupid and I wouldn't risk that even if I don't know him,

I can't see that happen again...

I look over at the boy next to me.

His hair gently falling over his eyes the street lights from outside the window he was leaning his head on moving around his face. He was gorgeous. Most definitely has model potential,
I giggle to myself
even tho he looks very sleep deprived. and it's sadly obvious u can tell  he's been taking multiple types of substance, he still seems pretty. ethereal , I look over Back to the road and continue driving

Time skip

A bit of time goes by and I get home well, WE get home. and then it hits me, I don't really have a spare bedroom.. my supposed spare bedroom is my music room which is extremely messy and overall not a good place to sleep? so this means he will have to sleep in my bed, and I'm surely not making him sleep on the couch that's rude.

It's okay? it's only weird if you make it weird just put a pillow in the Middle Easy fix!

I flick on the hallway light and carry the body straight into my room, I gently lay down the boy on the bed, tucking him in and adjusting his pillow. I make sure of any signs that the boy would be uncomfortable, and like somewhat expected- no response.

Alright well I'm getting tired too so let's leave this for tomorrow.

I walk over to the other side of the bed and very gently lean onto the mattress trying to not wake the sleeping stranger, grabbing a pillow and putting it between both of us. I lay down and tuck myself in taking in a deep sigh. I look over to my bedside table staring at the half filled cup of water left on my desk,
dozing off
my vision becoming blurry and my mind slowly shutting off along with my eyelids closing.


"you were a good friend will. heh. It sounds so cheesy Doesn't it?"
the blonde lets out a laugh
"don't worry though, one day you'll think back and laugh
and it's okay.


"you did everything u could for me. you were a good friend wilbur, just maybe not good enough?


tears falling out of my eyes as I hold my hand out to the blonde hanging one hand off the bridge. rain pouring over us ever so loudly.

the blondes last look into my eyes. God...
I still can't depict if it was regret?

But it haunts me, everynight.

I jolt up out of my bed sweating and breathing uncontrollably I look around me trying to make sure everything was real and that I wasn't still dreaming. My eyes wide in shock, I notice my phone get a notification flashing quickly being able to recognise the time 3:45AM

It it it never fucking.. it never fucking stops...

I rest my head between my knees and begin uncontrollably sobbing
I miss him.
with my hand I start caressing my head
Hidden; my face forms a shaky smile at the thought of my old best friend telling me "everything is okay for me! and that i am happy now!"
Fuck man..

I turn my head over and see the boy sleeping next to me I completely forgot was there,
his back turned to me still asleep.
my eyes widen, I grab a tissue from the tissue box & roughly wipe my tears away slowly laying back down hoping that he didn't hear any of that.
this is so embarrassing.
Things just rushing though my head. One after another I try to silence them but before I knew it I was asleep again. Peacefully asleep.

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