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I sink into my couch after playing around with my guitar for a little bit, i lazily chuck a show on Netflix; to play in the background whilst I scroll through my phone. Scrolling through my feed used to be so exiting but now it's just boring, nothing funny ever pops up anymore it's only this generation harassing people, and politics,
A live stream happens to pop up on Instagram for some reason it catches my eye since this person rarely goes live.
I sigh.
Yet again. Of course today's society would just pull out their cameras instead of asking for help.

In the livestream shown it was a boy clearly having a panic attack crying against a wall in town
Teenagers these days are so fucking cruel..
I grab my pen and book next to me and write a note in my journal.
"Having a chill rainy day inside today, for some reason give found myself watching a live stream; on Instagram of kids making fun of a clearly 'not well' person. It really makes me think. Is this how we are today as a society? To record when people are at their lowest for entertainment? How did we get here?"

I shut my book and sigh picking up my phone again.
Before I swipe out of the tab and go on with my scrolling I notice.
The dark brown hair?
The clothes
The shakiness
The pale skin
the boy in the video, that's George?!

my eyes widen, I sit up quickly adjusting my glasses.
pure shock hits my face
Someone's got to do something! Why the heck is no one helping him?!

I glance in the comments of the video

"Oh not this kid again wtf"

"Is this the boy that had a panic attack in that one video /srs"


"why tf he STILL crying after like 3 years lmaoo😭"

These are so mean?! Why would u say something like this...

Well since no one will hecking do it I guess I'll have to go down there myself and do the right fucking thing!

I throw my phone across the couch furious
I run down my hallway swiping my keys from the bench on the way there I look beside the table to see one of my freshly washed fluffy hoodies I grab it grasping it under my arm.
I get to the end of the hallway and I swing open the front door to be confronted with heavy rain and icy wind.
I make sure to protect the jumper, I cover the hoodie making sure it doesn't get drenched whilst I'm walking to the car. I open the car chucking it on the passenger seat and starting up the vehicle.
I speed down my driveway going a bit past the limit to make sure I get there in time.
Before he does anything...
anything MORE stupid.
this boy is a pain and I've only ever met him once.

I get to the lights, having to wait about 5 minutes to go. Tapping the steering wheel frantically I look in the rear view mirror to make sure I look somewhat presentable to be seen in public.
The light turn green, and with no hesitation I speed forward. No need to check to see if anyone else was going to crash into me, I didn't really care
Not in a suicidal way, the streets just usually aren't that reckless here.

I see the town ahead of me it was still pissing down with rain and it was a struggle to drive through it. I look around trying to find a parking spot
Just as I was looking for almost ages I finally find one, not too close to town but not too far, it was the best I could get.
Without hesitation I snatch the hoodie from the passenger seat, jumping out of the car locking it immediately and bolting to the familiar place George was, ignoring the rain that was hitting me.

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