𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐨 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫

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my eyes slowly open, being awoken by the sound of birds chirping and the neighbours mowing next door,
isn't it like 9 am why is he mowing so early?!
I move the blanket slightly so that I can reach my hand from under the blankets to get my phone. I tap my phone to check the time and pull the upper side of my body up to get a good view of the screen

11:45?! no way I slept in tha—

Next thing I know I'm being greeted with a hard force hitting the back of my head. my brain barely even processing waking up, my vision goes blurry I can feel hands grabbing around me punching the sides of my face in what feels like slow motion. My eyes pinned shut at the shock of it all, the figure on top of me pinning me down with my hands above my head, soon after I can hear muffled words but my brain won't pick up what they are saying.

i yell, only just snapping back into reality. I open my eyes to see the familiar boy I had in my bed last night.

It all clicked

my face lit up but the other boy surely didn't seem the same. his face was filled with fear and seemed on the verge of tears. "who the fuck... who the fuck are you?" the boy says shivering trying to hold back his tears.
I notice the boy seemed terrified almost immediately and the last thing I wanted him to think is that I wanted to hurt him.
"Hey! No I'm not going to hu-"
I get cut off by a slap on my cheek. It hurt a lot actually and really made me flinch.

"d did you touch me last night u fucking creep..."

My eyes drop and my stomach sinks, I could almost feel my eyes start to tear up. I got hit by a wave of guilt, clearly this boy was awake way before me. How long was he thinking that I had... for?
my silence seemed to go for too long I was caught up in the shock of what he said I forgot to answer his question. I look him in the eyes and start violently shaking my head "NO no no no! Of course not! You were talking to me at the bar last ni-"

I notice the boy crying and shaking slightly on top of me. He moves off of me and shifts to the corner of the bed. I didn't want to make him uncomfortable so I sit up and stay where I am.
"I.. I promise I didn't do anything with u last night, please hear what I have to say

The boy looks up and across to me his face looked so numb and his skin was pale and he still seemed tired.. i sigh.

"I remember performing at the bar and seeing u staring at me play, almost... the entire time"

The boy looks away nervously

"so after my gig I go up to you and we start talking for a bit. and I notice that u had like 20 shots of- I don't even know honestly, I was going to take that as a red flag to leave but then um..
You start talking about you planning... you planning on um.. You told me that u we're going to kill yourself that night.
so I couldn't leave u there. you passed out on me and I took u home, JUST to rest you here, nothing else"


I avoid looking at the boy I feel it might be awkward if I just look him directly in the eyes.

"Im sorry for punching you. But this is stupid"
he says with a blank expression and a numb look on his face.
"you shouldn't have taken me.
fuck.. you do know that after all of that. I have to do it again?!"
I notice the boy starting to get angry suddenly.
What did I do wrong? I think I missed something..
"You didn't save me. You made the remaining last day of my life harder. it hurts so fucking much. And this isn't a game for you to fuck with me I don't care about you and I wish you never took me away from my last fucking resort you cu-"

I interrupt the boys rant.

"I saved you? I didn't do anything wrong? why are u mad at me?! Because I didn't let u kill yourself?! What the fuck is wrong with you?"
I gasp and slap my hand over my mouth realising what I said was uncalled for.

the boys face drops. "Your right. Again. I'm sorry.
What's your name?"
I pause for a second.
"Will ,but my friends call me Wilbur"

"okay then, WILL thank you for taking me in but I won't need to talk to you again. I'm leaving can u please show me the way out?"

"Um yeah it's, it's okay? and sure?" I get up from the bed and open my bedroom door taking the man to the front door. This feels like the wrong decision but I don't know what else to do.
Before the boy is about to leave I ask him "and your name is?"

"George. George Davidson"
He gives me a smile a smile that spoke to me telling me that he's been holding on for so long and needs to let go. I feel so guilty. and then I think
"Hey um do you have a phone number or social media of any kind I can talk to you with?"

He looks down like he's seen a ghost his face going even more pale
"Y yeah.. but that doesn't really um. Matter I don't really use social um. Media anyways. Uh bye.." he rushes to walk away from me, to wherever this guy was even planning on going.

I think to myself

What a handsome name? George Davidson

I turn my back and close my door.

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