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Fucking creep literally asking for my socials after kidnapping me? Whatever. well that was an experience to say the least.

I stop for a minute and my face forms a confused look.

Hold on? This street? It does look oddly familiar.

A take a step back and look at the familiar houses surrounding me. The colour, the designs the trees? This is my block?

Fuck this is creepy.

I pick up my pace walking down the now familiar street.
taking a few turns and cutting through some dodgy alleyways

I finally see my  house, relief hits me
all I want to do is take a boiling hot shower and sit there for hours. I look up at the sky after feeling a drop hit my nose
The sky is dark grey and the cold wind starts to pick up, a couple of droplets hit my head before I pull myself to walk up my driveway.
it was steep and the biggest struggle to get up, not making it much easier when it's wet. once I reach my front door I stop for a minute to catch my breathe, I really meant it when I said that driveway is long.

I look up at a price of paper pinned to my door.

tired ~ beabadoobee

You are herby acquired to vacate the premises in the Address below in the next 1 DAY In the delivery this notice was given to you. If you fail to vacate within this period, court proceedings will have to be —-


I stop reading the letter. And then it hits me, the whole reason I am here anyway on my doorstep walking home from a strangers house...

What I NEEDED to do last night..

my expression falls numb and I turn around ripping the notice from my door.I look up at the pouring rain and start walking slowly down the drive way.

Its now or never. I guess.

I make sure to not slip on my driveway whilst walking down, my clothes already drenched and I'm not even close to to town or the bridge yet. I guess for me I wouldn't NEED a car, since town is fairly close.

I take a look at my house for the last time reminded of all the memories I had in there, the parties, the very few sleepovers, the warm baths, all the small things . I smile.

I really can't stay for too long it's getting heavier, the rain, this pain in my chest. Fuck why can't it just go right for once, at least I know that it was meant to be now.
Nothing can stop me this time it's going to be easy. Just like a needle it hurts for a second and u forget it the next day.
there will be no next day.

I smile at the thought of being put to rest and not having to worry about where I am every morning or 'what I took last night'  no next day..

I walk keeping my head down the rain drowning my clothes and hair. at this point it's fairly hard to see, it's cold and I'm tired and sore and I just want to cry and get this over and fucking done with.
I can't say it enough
I'm done
I'm done
Im done
Im fucking done
Im done
I can't
Im done
I fucking can't..

"Hey boy."

I stop in my tracks my hands frozen in my hair that we're pulling it out of stress. I look over and see a man with a blue umbrella causal clothes seemed between the age 45 or 50. I look him in the eyes waiting for him to respond.

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