𝐀𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞

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I'm a bit iffy about the whole Will taking me to a random place thing. Especially since we are a bit far out and it's midnight.. and we're alone.. and I've only known him for two or three days..

I look up at him. Stopping in my tracks . My eyes wide open my stomach sinking the yuckiest feeling  of regret... my knees later going shaky until I can barely stand.

There are so many red flags. I didn't even realise them... I was so caught up by this stupid fake sense of hope, it blinded me from the fact this guy is probably going to kill me..or even..

My breathing starts to pick up rapidly. My chest goes tighter I can feel everything around me close in. The trees fold over me and the road coming up. My eyes start to get blurrier by the second and my ears start ringing-

"George? George. are u okay?"
He stops in his tracks and starts walking back to me.

My panic starts to pick up more and more and more by every step he takes. it's almost impossible for me to breathe or talk.

"S just. S please. Go away!"
I try to get out a few words
I collapse to the ground falling to my knees.
I can't believe I fell for this... I don't want to fucking die. I don't want to die.. please. Please don't kill me!
My brain can't stop overthinking about the things that can happen.

I feel his presence get closer and him kneeling down "George?! Are you okay? Do I need to call someone?!"
Anger flows through my veins.

I cry out.
I stumble getting up but once I do I push him over and start sprinting as fast as I could towards a distant nearby house. I don't care where I go as long as it wasn't there.
With him...

Maybe someone is living in here? It looks old but who's to judge?!
I start rapidly banging on the front door.
"HELP!! HELP!! OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR PLEASE!!" I scream out crying between my words. I notice no one is in there,quickly. My stomach sinks again.
Maybe there is a place to hide? I'll call the cops once I find a safe place.
I look around the door and see an old cracked window conveniently next to the door.

Okay find a rock.. something. A stick your phone-

I find a decent sized rock and swing my arm back and throwing the rock into the window smashing it open.
I look around before crawling inside the unknown house.
I examine the surroundings I can point out that everything is trashed and spray painted with weird logos and dirty words. The furniture is in pieces and The walls have countless holes everywhere.

I run up stairs onto the second floor dodging all the broken stair pieces, I find a window I can sit at that has some worn out curtains falling gently over the window.

That looks perfect..

Panic leaves my body and I slowly ease back into reality. I walk over quietly to sit at the window. I lean over testing if it's a safe spot to sit I look up and around me.

This leads to a rooftop?

Excitement rushes through my body as I jump from the window to the roof hanging on to the broken pieces on the roof for support. I climb for a bit getting exhausted.

"Ah fuck.."
I say to myself, panting for air.
Sitting down on the top do the roof.

I let out a small chuckle pushing my hair back into my face.
Hold on? Why am I even here in the first place?
I've completely forgotten how I've ended up on a roof...
I think back.
Smashing window?
Panic.. panicking...

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