┊・14- his eyes

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Amy P.O.V
"wait a minute ... so you always have liked him? i thought you got over him" shadow questioned , with jealousy in his voice.

i played with my hair, i started getting nervous. i knew i was hurting his feelings. "i lied, i just learned how to not show my feelings. besides i know he wouldn't ever focus on me no matter how much i tried"

"exactly! that's why you should forget about that faker and give me a chance!" shadow replied. i rolled my eyes.

"but don't you understand? i don't trust you, you had sex with so many girls , where as i'm still a virgin. i don't think i will ever be able to sexually please you" i argued back.

'it was true.. i'm insecure about myself. there's so many pretty girls i don't understand why he wants me. it has to be a joke.'

"if you ju-" shadow tried speaking but i stopped him. "look i'll be only your fake girlfriend until homecoming, but after that, stop trying to get with me."

i walked out his room and went downstairs. he was following me and calling my name. "rose... rose! hey come back where are you going?"

"i'm going home" i said as i picked up my backpack from the floor. "but you don't have a ride" shadow said , he took out his keys from his pockets.

"let's go i'll take you back home"

i sighed and nodded.
The next day
i went up to my counselor before school started to see if she could change my class since i was doing badly in advanced math.

"let's see here, oh honey your doing really bad what's going on?" the old nice lady questioned me.

"well it's just hard for me now, i was wondering if you could switch me to normal math."

"okay well, i could switch you to statistics" she said as she looked at her computer.

"i'll do that" i replied.

she then started typing on her computer. "okay sweetie, i'll email your old teacher and your new teacher that you are switching classes"

"thank you ma'am"

"your welcome" she replied and wrote down the room number on a sticky pad. "that's your new teachers room number."

i nodded and walked out of her office.

i looked at the sticky pad.

'room F304 huh? that's the third floor ugh... i hate walking up the stairs'

i didn't notice where i was walking but i ended up bumping into someone. "i'm so sorry" i said to the girl.

"hey watch it!" the girl turned around to me. it was maria. "well if it isn't shadows new little bitch?" she snickered. behind her was sally, and fiona.

i gulped. "i'm really sorry" i repeated myself and tried walking away until fiona grabbed my arm. "where do you think your going? stay with us we have some questions"

my heart started beating fast, all three of them were giving me evil eyes. "why are you all over shadow? you know he is still in love with me right?" maria said as she came close to my face.

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