the boy with a thorn in his side

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wordcount : 1090
TW : <3
"George? I know you don't want to come to Nick's tonight but do you want to hang out tomorrow or on Sunday?" I looked up at him and he smiles softly.
"Did you ask Georgie on a date?" Sapnap teased, Dream groaned,
"Maybe I did," he looks at me smiling, I nod. I'll go. Why not? He smiles and I open the door to leave the car.

The morning. The date?
I pull on a pair of black jeans, my grey converse and a dark green, knit sweater. I felt like today was going to be a good day, I went downstairs after I was ready and went into the pantry for the first time in a while. I pulled out the cereal box. Don't look at the calories. Don't think about the calories. It was my favourite cereal before this all started. Cinnamon Toast Crunch.

I ate without thinking much, I played a video on my phone to distract me— it didn't but I didn't feel as bad as usual. A bad feeling set in my stomach when I finished eating. I ignored it and put my dishes in the sink before waiting for Dream to come to my house — he wouldn't tell me where we were going, and to be honest, I think he has no idea either.

"Where are we going?" I whine as he continued to drive seemingly aimlessly.
"Be patient, you seem happy today— how much coffee did you have?" I laugh and look out the window. He looked over at me and I looked back at him, he was waiting for an answer,
"One, my mum gave it to me when I woke up but I had breakfast though," I notice a smile appear on his face. He hummed quietly the tune of the song, I reach to turn it up. I didn't recognise the song. I take his phone connected to the aux to see the song name.

the boy with a thorn in his side.
the smiths

He smile at me, we turn into a parking lot, he hummed happily to the tune of the song,
"what is this place?" I whine and he smiles an takes his keys and phone, undoes his seatbelt and his eyes finally meet my own.
"You're so impatient, come on," we meet out the front of the car and I wrap my arms around his elbow and rested my head on his shoulder. He pulled me down the parking lot towards a huge building,
"you chose the furthest park!" I complain as he continues to hum swiftly.
"You want to know what it is?" he asks teasingly, I nod. He looks over at me smiling laughing, I dig my head into the side of his shoulder.

"Rock climbing," he said as we reach the door, I look at him smiling,
"I'm terrified of heights you asshole," he laughs and pulls me inside, getting us wristbands, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me to the harnesses. He passed me a smaller one without any expression to make me insecure and pulled on his own. He tightened his before helping me tighten mine, he pulled me towards one of the shorter wall, it was still tall but not as tall as then others, maybe just 12ft tall?

"You first Georgie," he hooked himself up to the base and then attached my harness to the rope of the wall.

"Clay I'm scared,"

"You're fine, I'm here. I'll catch you."

"So that's why you chose this? It's a trust thing,"

"Yes it is, Do you trust me George?"

"Oh shut up!"
I laugh as I hesitantly turn to the wall, I step up to the first few steps, the rope gets tighter, I look back at Dream.
"I got you, Love," I turn back and started to climb the wall, wasn't getting to far, I was about halfway up the wall. I go to look back,

"Cmon George, don't look down. I told you I got you,"
"yes George!" he cheered as I climbed,

"Can I get down now?"

"Only two more feet come on," I shook my head, I looked down at him.

"I want down,"

"okay Georgie, put your feet against the wall,"

It seemed scary, I started to climb my feet up the wall, I let my hands go, he was holding me so tight, it made me feel safe. Even in an uncomfortable situation.
"I'm gonna bring you down, Georgie,"
He brought me down slowly, when I got the floor I was laughing, he undid the hooks before I hugged him tightly.

"See it wasn't that bad was it George?" I shook my head and he held me tight.
"You go," he hums and reaches down to grab the ropes, he clips me to the floor and I help me clip himself to the wall.
He smiles at me before turning to face the wall.

"Thank you, Clay" I giggled as we got in the car,  he smiled at me,
"You're welcome, Love. Now what do you want to eat?" I think, I couldn't think of anything to have, I shrug, he looks at me.
"You choose?" he hums and thinks for a bit,
"Do you want to get sushi?" I nod, I love sushi.

I paid for sushi, we fought at the register. But he didn't want to hurt me, he deep down thought I was fragile. I'm not a broken glass.

We ate our sushi and he told me more about his family, we talked about all sorts of things, he ate slower so I wouldn't be eating alone in the end. It was me an Dream against the world.
But I came with problems, ones that Dream couldn't fix, and when he was talking I had suicide in the back of my mind. I'll never be able to explain why considering this is the happiest I've felt for s long time. I finished my sushi soon after he did. He looked so happy.

We went back to my house to cuddle and watch some movies while Mum and Ana were at a dance class, his head was rested in the crook of my neck, I tangle is dirty blonde locks through my fingers. He started to sleep.
"Tired?" I asked just teasing him and he whined quietly and pulled the sheets up closer to his chin. I kissed his cheek and he smiled, eyes still shut. I pull him closer to me.

and in this moment I swear we were infinite.

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