04. Different People With Connected Souls

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   "DREAM IS YOUR FRIEND?!" Sara exclaims as she and Nia enter her house. "What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"

   In a way, Nia does understand why Sara's reacting the way she is. Dream gave Nia a crash course of the most important things that have happened on the SMP prior to her reappearance.

   It is . . . a lot. And she understands that there are sides now, but just because she's supposed to be a part of a trio that she knows nothing about, she's not going to abandon her friends for them.

   Namely Dream, who does not have the best relations with L'Manburgians or Eret, who betrayed them, apparently, and is also the king of the SMP.

   The Trix are three completely different people with different personalities, beliefs and goals. Just because right now, Sara seems to be interested in the restoration of L'Manburg - which is currently called Manburg - Nia doesn't need to care about it.

   Not that she ever could.

   Nia has abandoned the idea of countries and kingdoms years ago. She believes in the freedom to do whatever she wants without anybody having a bigger authority than her.

   She's been there and done it. And she never wants to go through it again. Because even if you're seemingly in the position of power, the person above you is still allowed to do whatever they want to you.

   Everybody should be equal.

   Nobody should have the ability to tell you what you can, can't, should, shouldn't, must or mustn't do. Nobody should have the ability to decide your future for you.

   Just because others making decisions for you might be easier, it doesn't make it right. And you shouldn't let that fool you.

   Easier is not always better.

   "It means that Dream is my friend," Nia says obviously, watching the frustrated expression across Sara's face.

   Running a hand through her hair, Sara turns her back on Nia with a sigh.

   "How is he your friend? You just met him."

   "That's not true," the princess claims.

   Sara spins on her heel instantaneously, staring at Nia with a raised eyebrow.

   "I used to live in the SMP." Nia purses her lips, shrugging. "About three years ago, when there weren't any countries or wars. Just the basic SMP. Dream, George and Sapnap were just three guys who were trying to start a peaceful community for everyone."

   "They're way past that, you know that, right? George is literally working for Schlatt - the president of Manburg."

   "And you went to war with Dream because of L'Manburg, I've heard. He told me before you found us and dragged me away." Nia shrugs. "He told me you used to date George before Wilbur Soot came to the SMP and decided to form L'Manburg."

   "Well . . ." Sara starts, looking down at her hands. "I- you can see our beliefs and goals no longer align."

   "He's now part of a country that you guys want to bring down."

   "No, not bring down. Just take back."

   "But Schlatt was democratically elected, was he not?"

   "Yes, but he's destroying everything that L'Manburg is supposed to stand for. He changed our name, took down our walls and even changed our flag. It's not even L'Manburg anymore."

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