40. Friends Don't Hurt You

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   Technoblade asks out loud when he and Nia approach his cottage — which really is only a few miles away from the Trix base — and see a tall blonde messing around the house.

   Tommy carries a backpack that is filled to the brim with random things, though Nia can't tell what items those are. The shape of his backpack is too ambiguous and filled with miscellaneous items to be able to make out what he has. Or what he's taken, for Nia wouldn't put it past the boy.

   Technoblade and Nia make their way toward the house, Techno leaving Carl in a pen just outside the cottage.

   Tommy walks past them nonchalantly, not even noticing them. They blankly stare at him, wondering what he's doing.

   He must've come across Techno's cabin very recently.

   "He stole from me, didn't he?" asks Technoblade.

   "The proportional probability of that happening is currently skyrocketing to the sky, yes," Nia responds with a nod, though a concerned scowl appears on her lips the longer she stares at the mess that Tommy is right now.

   He passes by them again, talking to himself about how sweet the cottage he found is, and how it's his new home now. He notices Nia and Technoblade gaping at him from the corner of his eye, finally turning his attention toward them.

   "Take a picture, it'll last longer," he comments, facing them. He doesn't question how they got there.

   Nia examines the boy with an arched brow. Not much has changed about the boy, considering his attitude. But taking in his whole appearance, now that he's facing her, she can see that whatever the boy has gone through — it took a lot out of him. The physical impact is the most visible.

   His shoulders are slumped more than usual, making him shorter than he actually is. Under normal circumstances, he'd be almost as tall as Technoblade, not closer in height to Nia. Tommy's blonde curls are a mess, dirt caught in some of them, complementing the purple-ish dark circles under his eyes, indicating a severe lack of sleep. His clothes aren't any better either, the significant red and white shirt torn in places as well as his pants.

   The only reason the boy hasn't frozen to death is because he stole Technoblade's warmest cloak and shoes to keep warm in the merciless freezing northern climate.

   "Tommy, what the hell happened to you?" Technoblade raises his eyebrow at the boy.

   Tommy shakes his head at them, proceeding to walk inside Techno's cottage again. The anarchists follow after him as he leads them down a ladder underneath Techno's cottage to a cellar. It's got a bed and a bunch of chests in it, the look of the room completed with a bell standing on an oak log in a corner. How long has Tommy been here?

   "Why are you in my house?" Tommy asks, avoiding the answer to Techno's question.

   "Tommy, this is my house." Technoblade's voice is stern, but he's also taken note of Tommy's state, and he doesn't want to forcibly kick him out. Not yet, at least.

   "What are you doing here, Tommy? Why are you here?" Nia inquires softly, taking one step forward, toward Tommy, who startles and takes three steps back. The princess glances at Technoblade, both of them realizing the blonde must've gone through something traumatic.

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