20. Looks a Lot Like a Wedding Gown

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   Sara shakes her head, sitting at the edge of the river in front of Pogtopia. Nia and Niki are both there as well, Tommy and Tubbo running around somewhere nearby.

   "What is?" questions Nia.


   Nia purses her lips, nodding. She has noticed it, too. Wilbur has stopped caring about nearly everything. All he wants is chaos.

   She wouldn't say Wilbur is mad or insane, though it might seem like that. He's just slowly slipping off the edge, balancing between what is right and what is wrong. It has come to the point where he doesn't care whether he's considered a villain or a hero. As long as Manburg is gone.

   "I honestly— I didn't think losing L'Manburg would do this to him." Sara averts her gaze to the river, biting the inside of her cheek. "Wilbur— he really believed in L'Manburg, and I believed him, too."

   "What are you trying to say, Sara?" Niki questions with a raised brow. "L'Manburg can be saved."

   Sara shakes her head. "I don't think it can." She dons a rueful smile. "L'Manburg died with Wil's faith in the country."

   "But L'Mamburg isn't just Wil—" Niki argues.

   "You're right. It's not. It's us as well. But, Niki, Wil is the reason we all even came together," Sara laughs, thinking about it. "If it wasn't for Wil's arrival at the SMP, I'd probably side with Dream in any upcoming wars because of George. I— I fought against Tommy during the— uh, during the Disc War, Niki. The only reason I'm here . . . is because of Wilbur."

   "What does that mean, then?"

   Niki cocks her head to the side, staring into the river. She gazes at Sara's reflection in it rather than looking the red-haired woman in the eye.

   "I— I don't know. I genuinely don't— I don't know." Sara sighs defeatedly.

   "Personally, I think you should let him blow up Manburg," says Nia nonchalantly. "I mean . . . I'm not a fan of what's going on here—" Nia points at her head— "when it comes to Wilbur, but . . . he does have the right idea."

   "Of course, you do. You're a— you're an anarchist." Sara runs a hand through her hair, sighing in defeat. "Both you and Technoblade are."

   "So you are listening to what I say," Nia remarks, a proud smile on her lips.

   "I don't understand," says Niki, glancing between Nia and Sara. "Do you two just . . . want to destroy L'Manburg?"


   "I don't know." Sara shrugs. "It's the easier option."

   "Easier isn't always right," says Niki.

   "But freedom from government and tyranny is."

   "Tyr— what? Wilbur was never a tyrant," Niki defends the ex-president.

   "Maybe he wasn't. But who's to say that Schlatt stealing the presidency from him isn't the only reason he didn't become one." Nia stares into the river, watching the fish swimming with the stream.

   "You either die a hero or live long enough to become the villain," comments Sara, remembering a quote she heard somewhere.

   "Exactly." Nia nods, splashing her feet in the water with pursed lips.

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