05. Used-To-Be Princess

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   Tubbo looks back at Nia, as he leads her to the ravine where she met Sara and Stela for the first time. His expression is one of genuine interest.

   "I - uh - I'm willing to help Pogtopia," she responds.

   Honestly, Nia knows for a fact she'd hate to upset Tubbo. Anybody who ever dares making this boy feel bad about anything deserves to burn in hell. He's way too sweet to have anything bad happen to him.

   "Awesome," Tubbo smiles. "I'm a spy for them. It's really cool."

   "I've noticed," Nia chuckles.

   Tubbo and Nia walk through a tunnel that apparently Tubbo worked on himself. It leads to his library, which holds many important books and documents of the SMP, and eventually to the ravine where Pogtopia is.

   Apparently, the wooden path they're walking along is also called the 'Prime Path' which originally is a path of the Dream SMP, important to Church Prime. A religion many seem to devote a part of their life to.

   When you walk on the Prime Path, it is possible to get free money for nothing. But Nia doesn't entirely understand where the money would come from.

   "Tubbo! You're finally here!" exclaims a blonde boy, seemingly the same age as Tubbo, however, much taller.

   If Nia had to guess, he's about the same height as Technoblade.

   "Hey, Tommy," Tubbo greets the blonde boy. He grins, glancing at Nia, who follows behind him.

   Today, she's decided to not walk around weaponless, having her classic two swords on her back and an axe on her belt. She will probably need to get new clothes, as she has none of her own, and is currently still wearing Sara and Stela's.

   "And who's this?" Tommy points at Nia with a raised brow.

   "It's rude to point your finger at other people, Tommy," says Nia with a tut.

   The boy only furrows his eyebrows, staring at her. She stares back at him, eyeing the red and white T-shirt he wears. She wonders if that's his most distinctive feature.

   "This is Nia, Tommy," Tubbo introduces the woman to his friend. "She's here to help us! Like Technoblade."

   The excitement in Tubbo's voice makes Nia feel slightly terrible, knowing that neither she or Technoblade could possibly support a government.

   Tommy examines Nia with a slight frown. "You're like Technoblade?" he asks, raising a brow at her. "I'm sure you're not even close to the Blade."

   Nia laughs, nodding. "I didn't know Techno had such admirers."

   The princess notices the iron sword hanging by Tommy's hip carelessly, smirking. With a swift motion, she grips the hilt of the sword and pulls it out. Tommy manages to gasp before Nia easily trips the boy over and points the sword to his neck.

   "But you should know that Techno and I used to spar together. He's not better than me just like I'm not better than him in a fight. So, don't you ever underestimate me."

   "Oh my, is the child bothering you?"

   "Wilbur?" Tommy says, clearly asking for help.

   "That's Wilbur, he's the ex-president of L'Manburg," Tubbo whispers to Nia.

   "I know, Tubbo, I've been informed of that," Nia tells the boy, keeping eye contact with the taller man and holding Tommy's iron sword pressed to his neck, still.

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