48. I Would Burn the World With You

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i wanted to put the festival in 2 chapters and now it's two extremely long-ass fucking chapters well— can't believe i initially planned for it to be just one chapter. what a joke lol


   Dream glares at the blonde boy as he stands in the midst of everybody present in the Dream SMP. That includes many L'Manburgians as well as people who are not part of either faction.

   "But I didn't do this! I— does this look like something I would do?" Tommy asks, flailing his arms in the air.

   "Yes! Yes! This is exactly something you would do!" Dream exclaims.

   "Guys, guys! Listen, Tommy didn't do this."

   Technoblade reveals himself to the crows as well, making sure to be in a protective stance, ready to attack anybody who would try to hurt Tommy. Nia approaches the two of them, and Techno hands her a sword.

   "How would you know? He could literally be lying right now!"

   "He wouldn't lie to me, Dream!" Techno shakes his head dismissively. "He would lie to you, but he wouldn't lie to me!"

   "This is literally what happened with George's house. Tommy lied about burning it down, too," Dream argues, making a valid point to those who have witnessed it the last time.

   "Yeah, but Tommy didn't do this. He wouldn't lie to me. So, if he says he didn't do it, then he didn't." Techno doesn't budge.

   "He's the biggest liar around here!" exclaims Dream.

   Nia raises an eyebrow at him. "You mean, after you, or does Tommy lie slightly more than you?" she attacks him, making Dream backtrack for a second.

   "Yeah, Dream. How do we know you are not the one lying to us?" Stela agrees with Nia.

   "This doesn't involve any of you," Dream glares at the trio that has stood up for Tommy so far.

   "I didn't wanna be involved, Dream," says Techno. "But Tommy ran in, man."

   "You involved everyone the moment you crashed the festival and threatened an entire country over something Tommy possibly hasn't even done," Sara remarks.

   Dream stutters. He opens and closes his mouth several times, not knowing what to say.

   "Wait, so Tommy didn't do this?" questions Fundy.

   "I mean," Tubbo starts. "The fact that you're here kinda proves his point," he takes Dream's side rather than his supposed best friend's. Tubbo's eyes stay fixated on Tommy, as the blonde parts his lips and stares at him in disbelief. "You're not where you're supposed to be."

   "Yeah, you're supposed to be exiled!" Dream adds, glad to forget Sara's quip. "You're not supposed to be here! Why are you here? You're breaking your exile."

   Nia fights the urge to punch Dream.

   "Are you really just accusing him of crimes, and saying that defending himself is incriminating? That it makes him guilty?" Technoblade arches his brow at Dream, who blankly stares at the piglin for a good minute.

   "That's not what I said," says Dream with a deadpan.

   "Sounds a lot like it, though," Stela mutters.

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