29. Welcome to L'Manburg

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   Nia, Sara and Stela all get to sleep in Sara's old home. They wake up at sunrise, their shoulders much lighter. Manburg is gone, having disbanded the moment Schlatt died, for he was the last remaining citizen of the country.

   The trio was told that they should gather by the podium once the sun is high enough for the light to reach the stage. Wilbur, Tommy and everyone else want to discuss the future of the country. Which should be none. There should be no future for the country, as there should be no country.

   Still, even Dream, Punz, Sapnap and the others were invited, despite Manburg being none of their business. They even bother to show up as Nia catches sight of Dream — in full gear — in the back row of the seating area in front of the stage.

   Everyone sits down in their chosen spots, Nia gazing up at the stage where Wilbur stands with a content smile on his face. She knits her eyebrows together, wondering what he's up to.

   Wilbur steps toward the microphone, clearing his throat into it and tapping it a few times to check whether it works. It does.

   "Good morning, everyone! Welcome! Welcome here on this beautiful sunny day!" he speaks, spreading his arms toward the crowd. "We won." Wilbur grins. "We won, and I would like to thank all of you. To thank everyone who helped us reclaim this land . . . this country. But, of course, there is something missing," he says, eyeing the crowd.

   His eyes stop once he spots the tall blonde boy with a red bandanna wrapped around his neck, standing next to Tubbo with the brightest grin Nia has ever seen him don.

   "Our country is back, everyone! And I would like to call someone special to the stage." Wilbur waits for Tommy to realize that he's being watched. "I would like to give the spot on this stage to the new president elect, Tommy Innit!"

   "What?" Technoblade asks, his attention suddenly sparked.

   Nia furrows her eyebrows. "Are they . . . are they forming another government after everything that's happened?" she questions. Only Technoblade and Stela, who sit next to her, hear her.

   "I don't like where this is going," Technoblade mumbles under his breath.

   "Tommy," Wilbur continues his speech on the stage. "I know I said you'd never be president, Tommy. But I was wrong. You deserve it. So, c'mon! Come take your place on this stage!"

   Applauding, Wilbur beckons Tommy to come up to the stage, followed by many delighted cheers and whistles. Tommy, grinning, genuine surprise reflected in his expression, makes his way toward Wilbur.

   The moment the blonde boy steps on the stage, Wilbur takes a step back, letting Tommy take his place in front of the microphone. Patting Tommy on the shoulder, Wilbur departs and joins the rest of the crowd in the seating area.

   Tommy clears his throat.

   "Uhh . . . hello everyone," he has an awkward start. "We won," Tommy reiterates, getting another round of applause. "And I never thought I'd say this, but even after the hardships; the tyranny we've been through . . . Wilbur, Tubbo . . . after everything — it was meant to be!"

   "He said it!" Niki exclaims joyfully.

   "Yeah! It was meant to be!" Eret repeats, fist bumping the air. "It was meant to be!"

   Dream sneaks to the front row of the seating area, approaching Nia and Technoblade, tilting his head to the side.

   "I thought you guys were anti-government," he whispers, his voice low enough for anyone who isn't listening properly could miss.

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