08. It's Always About Power

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   Nia furrows her eyebrows at Dream, wondering why that is the first thing he tells her, but she accepts it with a nod.

   "Why is that?" she questions, sitting on the edge of a cliff she found in the Dream SMP. It provides an amazing view of both the SMP and Manburg. "I mean, is there any context or do you just want me to forget you even said that? Or should I guess? Because I'd rather not."

   Dream laughs, sitting down next to Nia. They haven't seen each other in a few days and before that, they've been apart for years . . . but Dream still feels comfortable enough to take off his mask in her presence and relax.

   It makes Nia doubt everything that Wilbur told her about Dream. How come the man that's sitting next to her changed into a tyrant? He never seemed the type.

   But really, right now, Nia is the only person who has known Dream before Tommy and before L'Manburg. And then she disappeared. She never witnessed everything Dream had done to hurt some of the people in the SMP.

   Dream doesn't realize it himself, but the simple fact itself brings him comfort. That there is at least one person in the entire SMP that knows only the good - or, well, better - parts of him.

   The blonde props himself up on his elbows, basically dropping into the grass. Luckily, his hoodie is lime green, and does in no way blend with the natural greenery. Although, admittedly, it would be funny.

   "I don't know if I can tell you," Dream responds.

   Nia turns her head to look at him, staring into his green eyes. She's not impressed with his secrecy, giving him a bored look.

   "I know Wilbur met up with you because he needed TNT, Dream," Nia tells the man at once.

   "Oh," he says, pushing himself up, sitting taller than Nia. "I thought only Tommy knew," he elaborates later on. "He wanted Wilbur to give him the TNT."

   "I'm guessing you stepped in?"

   "Yeah, that's when Wilbur called me Daddy Dream."

   For a moment, Nia stays quiet, staring Dream in the eyes. He raises an eyebrow at her, and she bursts out laughing, clutching her stomach.

   Dream starts laughing, too, a wheeze coming out of his lips. Nia laughs even more, having forgotten Dream's laugh does that. It's somehow hilarious and adorable at the same time.

   "I can't decide if it's better, worse, or on the same level as Big D," Dream continues talking once they both slowly calm down.

   Nia has to contain her laughs, shaking her head. "What is it with the people in this SMP?" she asks, slightly disappointed but definitely not surprised.

   "I don't know," Dream chuckles, shaking his head.

   The blonde lies back down on the grass, putting his hands under his head to prop it up. Nia glances at him and smiles, the thought of everything Wilbur has told her still lingering in her head.

   "Can I ask you something?"

   Nia has never been the kind of person to beat about the bush. She prefers being direct and straight to the point. It makes a lot of things easier that way. And it was something she wasn't exactly allowed to do as a princess before.

   "Sure," Dream raises an eyebrow at the girl.

   "Wilbur told me why they formed L'Manburg," she says, turning her whole body to face Dream rather than staring off into the distance. She wants to see his expressions and body language as he responds.

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