46. A Heart Somewhere Inside

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i made a playlist hehe

i made a playlist hehe

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   Nia stares at the vast amount of wither stars carefully stored in chests, each ready to spawn a monster capable of great destruction. Technoblade smiles at Nia, the kind of smile that is both sheepish and cocky. It's the smile she adores, because he only reacts that way to her. Like he's afraid of what she might think, whilst actually being proud of himself and the work he achieved.

   "Well, it was just a hobby," says Technoblade dismissively, waving his hand at the princess, which reveals that he must've been gathering the stars for the past few months.

   "And you showed this to Tommy already?" asks Nia. Technoblade nods. "So, he knows you want to destroy L'Manburg."

   "I've told him."

   Techno walks deeper into the room, while Nia remains standing at the helm of the room, still quite fascinated by the redstone door that he must've worked on for some time, just like the collection inside. She's always found Technoblade's dedication admirable, but her respect for the man grows even more as she gazes at the months upon months of work.

   "Is he okay with it?"

   Nia bites the inside of her cheek. For a brief moment, her eyes fall on the sword on Techno's belt, sheathed. She knows it's the netherite sword he had to give up when the butcher army came for him. The Orphan Obliterator glitters in the light of the room, glistening against the many wither stars shown on display. She raises her brow at the piglin. She hasn't heard the full story of how he acquired his sword yet. Or the Axe of Peace.

   Techno shrugs. "I told him he can sit it out, if he wants to, once the day comes."

   "And he was okay with that?"

   "I think he ignored me for the most part, honestly. He kept talking about his discs," indignation slips into Techno's tone, and Nia smiles understandingly.

   "He can't let the discs go, can he?"

   "He literally suggested blowing up the Community House, thinking it might help him get the discs back."

   "That's part of the Dream SMP, though?"

   "I know!" Techno throws his hands in the air. "Or, I didn't know until you just said it, but I thought it!"

   "I think Dream cares about that building," says Nia, narrowing her eyes in thought. "I think he cares about the building. I mean, it was the first building in the Dream SMP, so he could care about it at least a little bit."

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