SPECIAL: Technoblade's Journey to Anarchy

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okay, look, i do many things when i procrastinate . . . like write a one-shot instead of studying for a test about how c!techno became an anarchist, hehe. bee and roach read it and they liked it, so it will now be here as well. this is not connected to princess anarchy but well, it could be ig  o.O

happy thanksgiving ! i am not american ! dkjskdkjfksdj


   This story is quite painful to tell, yet important to spread, as Technoblade had not always been the powerful, fearsome fighter that he is known as nowadays. In fact, Technoblade used to be a mere boy with loving parents who wanted the best for him — for their child.

   His parents were royals, the king and queen. Rulers of a great, powerful and very much peaceful kingdom that strived and grew on its own. They didn't need anybody to survive or get by; they just existed, and they were happy.

   Technoblade was a high-spirited child. Due to his mother coming from a different dimension — Nether — he was a bit different, and he knew that. But that didn't mean people still didn't adore the little energetic ball of delight, with his small piglin ears and short pink hair, combed back because that's how his mother liked it.

   For years, his parents molded the little boy, making sure that once his time comes, he would be one of the greatest leaders to ever exist in the history of their kingdom. After all, that was what every parent would want of their child. While his mother made sure that Technoblade was a decent person, who was polite and honest, brave and just, generous and hospitable, his father made sure that he also knew how to lead. How to make people listen to him, whilst also gaining their utmost respect.

   The kingdom never had the need to be violent. Technoblade was taught the basics of swordsmanship and fighting. He studied strategy and war, his favorite book of that topic being Art of War. But his parents never thought the boy would need it. After all, they were a peaceful kingdom that didn't even try to expand, as they were happy with the land they already owned, and other countries or kingdoms mostly stayed out of their way as they were granted protection by the greater, united kingdom of the Nether. All due to the fact that the queen came from the dimension, and was a piglin princess.

   Technoblade was only ten-years-old, when the first conflict came to their kingdom. The court and its nobles complained about not having enough gold, despite their queen being of royal blood and from the Nether. They complained about the lack of luxury in their kingdom.

   The king and queen argued that it's due to the fact that all the money in the kingdom was evenly distributed, just enough so that everybody could live good and happy lives. The kingdom had no starving, homeless people for that very reason. Because the king and queen denied themselves the indulgences that usually came with being of noble blood.

   Technoblade didn't understand the issue. He agreed with his parents. He was glad that the people of his kingdom were not struggling to live decent lives. That is how he was brought up, after all.

   But what came as an utter shock was when the court decided to rebel against their rulers. They called it a revolution, saying that a government of more people, eventually 'democratic', would be much better than monarchs who decide how everyone in the kingdom has to live their lives.

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