17. Nobody Important to You

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   Quackity shouts at the crowd of Manburgians as Tommy makes his way through Manburg.

   Wilbur is nowhere to be found, and Technoblade ran off after having attacked the other Manburgians. Nia was left on the stage, tending to Tubbo.

   She helps him up on his feet, only to find out that Tubbo is perfectly capable of doing that himself. Despite the injuries he suffered and the scars that still linger, and will forever linger on his body now, he's in full strength.

   "I'm fine, Nia, seriously," the boy tells the princess.

   "I can see that," she remarks, examining Tubbo once more, just in case. "Can you get to Pogtopia?"

   "Yeah, I think so," says Tubbo, nodding. "Are you going to help Tommy?"

   "I'll make sure he doesn't get himself killed." Nia nods.

   "Alright," says Tubbo, giving Nia a weak smile. "I'll see you in Pogtopia, then."

   "Yes. In Pogtopia," Nia repeats.

   The two part ways. Tubbo heads to Pogtopia while Nia goes off the stage, searching for Tommy. It isn't hard to find him, as he has a mob of Manburgians after him.

   Quackity and Purpled are in the lead, and Nia has to strain her leg muscles as she forces herself to sprint faster to get to the boy.

   She should've brought ender pearls with her.

   Tommy gets hit by Purpled, the boy's netherite axe cutting through a part in the arm where the armor doesn't protect Tommy.

   Nia catches up eventually, stepping in between Tommy and Purpled. Her axe is fastened to her belt once more, and she pulls out her two swords instead, blocking Purpled's swing.

   "Take off your armor, Tommy, and run!" she turns her head in the direction of the boy.

   The armor is slowing him down, especially when he's trying to run away. Sure, it sucks to give up the good armor he has, but there isn't much of a choice either.

   Nia fights off Purpled and Tommy's other pursuers as she waits for the boy to swiftly get off his additional weight and runs off in the direction of Pogtopia. He's disposed of his weapons as well.

   "This is kind of sad, don't you think?" asks Nia with a smirk. "There's so many of you against only me."

   Tommy has run off, and she has to fight against six people. Or two and a half people, since the only good fighters are Purpled and Punz, and Bad's standing in the back, refusing to fight Nia. She's thankful for it, of sorts, because she'd hate to fight him as well.

   Quackity, Schlatt, Fundy, Sam and Antfrost go down with a single punch, as neither of them are wearing armor and, for some reason, Nia appears to be stronger than she looks. Almost like she's been doped on strength potions.

   Purpled swings at Nia with his axe again, and she blocks his hit with a sword, pushing him back. Punz launches at her as well, though his attacks are unbalanced, as if still affected by the hit she landed on him earlier.

   Blocking Punz with her other sword, she also takes the opportunity to trip him over with her foot, because he's not paying attention to the undefended part of his body, knocking him down on the ground.

   "Stay down, Punz, or I'll have to kill you," she threatens.

   The mercenary raises his arms in defeat, nodding. His self-preservation reflex finally kicking in.

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