41. Only Time Will Tell

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   A frown sets on Stela's lips as the sentence leaves her mouth. Her face contorts in distaste, not fond of the current owner.

   Nia nods. "I know it's not the best, but he's the next safest person to have the book. He hasn't officially said that he has it, so I'm pretty sure he won't give it to us. Frankly, I don't think he'll give it to anybody."

   "Trying to get the book from Dream could prove to be a pain in the ass," Sara sighs, shaking her head. "I don't trust Dream with the book, though."

   "He's gonna use it against the people in the Dream SMP," Stela states matter-of-factly. "But he doesn't necessarily need to use it for that."

   "Exactly." Nia nods.

   "I still don't like Dream having the book." Sara shakes her head.

   "Me neither," Stela concurs.

   Nia nods in tacit agreement. She's conflicted. Scared to voice that she's wary of Dream while knowing very well that her distrust in the man is valid. He hurt Tommy more than Nia knew the first day he'd appeared at Techno's house.

   She's visited them a few times before, and every time, she would find Tommy hiding in Techno's cellar, where Tommy had made his home — a safe space — terrified because any new visitor could be Dream, who's probably looking for him.

   To distract himself, Tommy started building a tower made out of cobblestone. It's one similar to the tower he'd built close to Pogtopia, and Ghostbur told Nia that Tommy's towers are dear to the boy. Then, the ghost of Wilbur offered her some blue. (Nia hasn't told Sara about Ghostbur's existence yet.)

   Stela eyes Nia, her lips pursed. She can sense the inner battle the princess is going through. The enderwoman shrugs, averting her gaze to Sara.

   "No matter how much we dislike Dream, he's probably the safest person to have the book right now," she says with a sigh to ease Nia's uneasy mind. "He won't give us the book, but we also know that as long as it gives him a sense of power, he won't give it to anyone. He'd probably protect it with his own life."

   Sara bites the inside of her cheek, humming disgruntledly. "It's still kinda strange, isn't it? The god connected to the book is called DreamXD and now Dream is in possession of the book."

   "Perhaps in some weird and fucked up way, he was always supposed to have the book," Stela notes, cringing at the thought.

   "But why would Death want a literal maniac to possess the book?" Sara questions with an arched brow. She and Stela both know about Tommy's exile. They don't know the details — nobody does, really — but they know he was exiled.

   "We were created to protect the book," says Nia, shaking her head. "But we're gonna have to settle with Dream having the book right now, because we don't have any other options. I don't think we have anything that could make him return the book to us. Killing him won't do anything, unless we want the book to be lost forever."

   Not to mention Nia wouldn't be able to kill Dream. She'd have to excuse herself out of the endeavour.

   "Okay, are you sure Dream has the book, then?" Stela checks one more time, and Nia nods.

   "What if we're looking at the wrong person?" Sara wants to believe that the book is in somebody else's hands.

   "Then only time will tell," Nia sighs, running a hand through her hair.

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