Chapter 8- Experiments

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"Time for training," an officer shouted, waking me up.

It had been a few weeks since Winter and I had our little argument in the woods. I lost all track of time in this place because every day was exactly the same as the last with the exception of a change in the meals from day to day, which was really just a disgusting meal to a disgusting meal.

Winter came to see me once or twice, and I continued to ask him why he didn't want to escape this hell hole we both had to call home for so long. He, of course, avoided the questions like they were the plague coming to get him. It just did not make sense in my brain that he didn't want to leave. Was it me? Was I the issue? These are all questions I asked him, but he refused to answer them, so all I'm left to do is assume things. Most of which are probably not correct assumptions, but I just wanted him to talk to me about it. I had stopped talking to him after the fourth or fifth try because after that, I was getting irritated, and I knew whatever was going to come out of my mouth was not going to be good. That is called better judgment.

Somehow I was still having these deja vu type dreams, which I took to be past memories resurfacing. There was one, of my assumed-to-be mother reading a book to me, but that wasn't the one that kept me up both nights. Whenever I couldn't sleep, it was usually because I was thinking about the first memory that came back to me. I knew there was more to it; there had to be. I wished I could dream the same dream again, but luck clearly had not been by my side at any point in my life so far.

The more I thought about any of these issues the more I wanted to leave this crappy place. Every day was exactly the same, the food, the clothes, the people; everything was the exact same every single day. It was killing me slowly, and I wish it would just take me already.

I got up to put my grey jumpsuit on that they had ready for me every day. At least I didn't have to worry about choosing my outfit every single day as regular people did, but that is an issue I would love to have right now. Any minute now they would be coming to drag me to the testing room. All they wanted to do was learn what my powers did, and how much I could use them without getting fatigued. They called it training, but I called it testing because that's what it really is.

As if on cue, there was a knock being heard coming from the door. I dragged my body to the door and opened it. Then, we were off to the "training" portion of my day. At least they gave me an apple on the way there, this was because they didn't want me to be completely useless during "training". I was not in the mood to do this today, not that I was any other day, but today especially I didn't want to.

Maybe they would go easy on me today?

Who was I kidding? It was Hydra, they would not be going easy on anyone. "Stand on the dot in the middle of the room," one of the doctors said to me as soon as I walked in.

Well good morning to you, too, sir. I did as he said, and was already dreading this experiment. After I finished my apple, I gave it to one of the guards to throw away and not two seconds later a different guard came up and tied my hands together. "Hey, watch it," I said in retaliation. "What the hell is this?" He just kept in tieing my hands together, though.

"This experiment will test your powers to see how long it takes you to get out of the room," the doctor said and looked back down at his clipboard. The same guard that tied my hands together behind my back brought a chain over that was also attached to the wall. He clamped the other end of the chain to my wrist ties and I was immediately dragged backward. "Good luck to you," the doctor said, putting a rag inside my mouth. Everyone in the room then left, and I was left to get out of this place on my own.

"No, don't leave me, please!" I screamed, but it was more like a useless mumble. I tugged and tugged at the ropes, but they wouldn't budge. They were made of some sort of hard material; it wasn't quite metal, but it wasn't regular rope either. The more I tugged at them, the more they cut my wrists. I was partly screaming out in pain, and partly screaming from fear. After a while, the walls seemed to be closing in on me, but that could have just been from the excessive amount of blood that was lost.

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