Chapter 9- Help

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"Let me out of here!" I screamed.

The doctors had done so many tests on me that I have lost track of how many there were. Most hurt, and they were completely ruthless tests.

I was currently being held in a completely white room and there were no windows, no nothing. Even the door they had used to put me in here couldn't be seen. I knew which wall it was on, but I had no idea where it was on the wall. I had been in here for a while, but nothing had happened, so I assumed they wanted me to use my powers on it to escape.

I had gained a little more control over my powers, but they were still a little unpredictable. I had already tried to open the door or find it at least, but nothing had worked that I had tried. I was going mentally insane Part of me didn't want to do anything just to stick it to the doctors that only wanted their stupid data collections on me.

Winter had been talking to me more and more ever since the moment we shared in the woods. At least I knew I had him. After all the tests and experiments they did on me, Winter would bring me some sort of food and stay with me for the night if it was extra bad.

The experiments had progressively gotten worse and worse. For one test, they put me in a black room and turned the heat up to about one hundred thirty. When I passed out they turned it back down until I woke up again, but as soon as I opened my eyes they turned it back up. I could only imagine what was going to happen in this room. They always gave me a little time to get out before they did something really bad, and I had a feeling that this time was no different.

"Open the door," I screamed as I banged on where I thought the door was. I had been doing this for a while, but I was ready to give up. I walked to the center of the room and laid down. I tried to focus everything on my powers, but nothing happened.

After a while, I had noticed that the room was starting to get chilly, and this was an issue because I only had shorts and a T-shirt on.

So they were going to freeze me now? Super. It got below freezing in the room very quickly, and I was shivering violently. Thankfully, they shut the chiller off before my fingers and toes fell off.

I got my hopes up too soon, though, because as soon as I started warming up, the upper parts of the two walls opened up and started pouring water in. It wasn't just any water, though; why would it be? It was freezing cold water.

As soon as it touched my feet, the pins and needles were back. The chilly water was just making my already cold toes, colder. The water was coming in like a waterfall without a dam to stop it. I tried to make a blast at the water to stop it, but nothing was working. I was too cold and too shaky to do anything.

I screamed for help but to no avail. I tried over and over again to get my powers working, but there were no spark starts. They always seemed to work when I didn't want them to, but as soon as I needed them, they were like, Nope, you've got this. No, I definitely don't got this.

The water was pouring in very fast, and there was nothing I could do about it. The floors were kind of slanted, so I tried as best I could to stand at the top of the slant to at least warm up a little bit before the rest of my body was drenched in ice-cold water. My breathing picked up, along with my heartbeat when I realized that my limbs might go numb and I could drown. It felt as though my heart was beating through my chest and I was just letting it. I slumped to the ground, but that didn't last very long because the water was rising very quickly, so I had to get on my tiptoes to avoid it as much as I could. I was very thankful for the ballet lessons that taught me that.

Wait, I remembered taking ballet class. That was definitely before they wiped my memory because I hadn't taken ballet since then. This was really a bad moment to get one of my memories back and start being happy about it.

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