Chapter 11- Who The Hell is Aria?

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2 years later...

Ever since that day in what was a makeshift cell, the strange man, I now knew as Alexander Pierce, sent me on missions. He told me my name was Vile and he has since never had any reason not to trust him. Whenever he gave me missions, he only gave me the necessary information, which was fine because I didn't really care enough to worry about whether or not they deserved what they got. Most of the missions were kill missions, but I didn't care because someone had to do it and I didn't care if it was me. There was one other person who also carried out the kill missions, but we were never put on a mission together. His name was the Winter Soldier, but I never had a mission with him before, so I had never met him.

At the moment, I was currently being called to Pierce's office. It was probably for another mission because that's all I was ever called to his office for. As I made my way to Pierce's office, I got a bad feeling, sort of like a pit in my stomach, but I pushed it aside and thought nothing of it.

When I got to the office, I was met with the eyes of someone I had not yet come to know, but probably soon would. "Vile, this is The Winter Soldier," Pierce introduced him. The Winter Soldier had these icy blue eyes that were some of the most mysterious eyes you had ever seen. He definitely had his muscles and looked like he would kill anything that touched him.

"You both are being given a mission to eliminate Hydra's biggest targets," Pierce continued. He brought up photos of two people on a tablet. One of them was a woman who looked to be of average height with straight red hair. She was going to be the easiest to point out with that hair. The other photo was of a man. He had blonde hair and blue eyes, but not like Winter Soldier's eyes, they were more of a welcoming blue. The man was very muscular and tall based on the photos and videos given to us.

"She is one of Hydra's greatest fighters and he is America's icon. He's a super soldier and she is a highly trained assassin. I'm not saying this mission will be a simple one, but it's one that needs to get done," Pierce explained. I already wanted this mission to be over and it hasn't even started yet. "Winter Soldier here has already come into contact with him by killing one of the other threats. After these two are gone, Hydra can carry out their final mission." I nodded once he finished talking, but I was hardly even listening to whatever the final part was. I got the gist of it; kill the two people shown in front of me so that Hydra can finish their mission.


After loading everything into the car we needed, we were off. We had been told to not worry about getting wherever it was we were heading and that someone would be driving us where we needed to go. It seemed that everyone knew what was going on better than I did, including the Winter Soldier, which was weird because this is my mission too.

Winter Soldier and I were in the back and currently on the highway. After this mission, I just wanted to relax for a while. Take out the enemy, then take a break. Didn't seem too bad. And, if Hydra was able to complete their mission after we completed this one, then I would be free to do whatever I wanted because they wouldn't need me anymore. I don't even know what I would do with myself after this. Who was I kidding? Hydra would probably always need me, but that was fine because I knew my life here, but I had no idea what it would be like in the real world.

Now being on a bridge, Winter Soldier was moving very quickly to the front of the car. I knew something was going to happen, but I didn't know what, so I just started getting everything I needed together. I wasn't looking away from everyone else for long, but as soon as I looked back up again, out of the windshield, I saw Winter Soldier on the roof of the car in front of us. He landed so hard that he made a dent in the roof, but that wasn't the only damage that was about to be done to that car. He smashed the driver's side backseat window of the car and ripped someone out of it. The person was thrown into the oncoming traffic and immediately killed. He probably deserved it.

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