Chapter 19- Knocks

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A knock on the door startles me awake from the nightmare I was replaying in my mind. I can't wipe the image of Tony bleeding on the floor from my mind. I feel bad that Tony got hurt, but I'm more disappointed that I'm the one that did that.

I don't bother trying to figure out who is at the door. I don't really care either because I'm not opening it either way. No one seems to be able to leave me alone. I've had at least five knocks in the past three hours alone.

"Aria, come on," Tony says from the outside of the door. I leave him without an answer, hoping that he will just leave me alone.

"If you don't come out, then I will kick down the door," Nat threatens. I should've known that she would be here trying to get me out of this room, too. "I'll give you til' the count of three," she warns.

That is enough to make me open the door, but I make a fast-paced walk back towards my room. I make it in tie to shut the door, lock it, and dive into my bed. I should've known better, though. With this whole place being technological, all Nat and Tony had to do was ask JARVIS to block the door. It makes me wonder why they didn't do that with the bathroom, but I decide not to ask.

"Leave me alone," I beg. Apparently, the only one who followed me to my room, was Tony because Nat has disappeared. He must have asked her to leave, but I kind of wish she would have stayed. I can't even bear to look him in the eyes at the moment. All I would see is the person I hurt because of what is inside my brain.

"Can't do that, kid," Tony says. I keep my head buried in my pillow, unable to face the truth.

"This was not your fault," he says, taking my silence as an invitation to go on. "I'm not mad and you should not be blaming yourself. Those people are the ones to blame, not you."

Sick of hearing him make excuses for me, I finally say, "They aren't the ones who hurt you, though. I am."

"You wouldn't have done this if they didn't wipe your mind so many times."

"Maybe not, but I still am the one doing all of these things. I have killed so many people, Tony, and you could have been the next one."

"You were being mind-controlled when you killed all of those people, and I don't believe that you would ever purposefully kill me, even though you might want to," he jokes.

"This isn't funny, Tony. I was acting as if I were still mind-controlled when I hurt you after coming out of a dream. What would have happened if Nat or Steve didn't come in?" I ask, now tearing up.

"They did. I'm fine. This is not on you."

"But I still feel like it is," I say, getting up, and making my way to the bathroom connected to my room.

Tony puts his foot out before I can close the door. "This conversation isn't over," he says.

"I'm on my period," I state. He has a freaked-out enough expression that I get a chance to close the door, which I do in a swift movement.

"I'll just wait for you out here," Tony yells from the other side of the door. Great, I will finally get peace.

Ten minutes go by when I hear someone comes into my room, hopefully to take Tony away. My prayers go unanswered, though, when a certain redhead's voice sounds from the other side of the door.

"Where is she?" Nat asks. I assume Tony points to the bathroom because I don't hear him answer, but Nat asks, "Why?"

"She's dealing with her woman thing," Tony answers. This is when Nat starts laughing hysterically.

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