Chapter 27- Inside My Mind

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After what seemed like endless hours of tests, still, no results came up. The more I had to wait, the more anxious I got. Why was this happening to me? Why were my hands turning black? Why was I still getting memories back?

The questions were endless flowing through my mind, but no answers to stop them. I had to give Bruce and Tony credit, though. I was almost falling asleep on the couch in the lab, but both were working tirelessly to come up with a solution.

"Still nothing?" I ask, hoping for a different answer than the same one it has been for the past six hours. Yup. You read that right. I have been here for six hours. Six hours since I attacked Nat for no reason.

"Still nothing," Bruce answered.

"Why don't you go back to your room and try to get some sleep?" Tony suggests, probably seeing how exhausted I look. Even though going upstairs and falling asleep is probably the best thing to do right now, I decline. Once they figure out what is wrong with me, I want to be the first person to know.

It doesn't take very long for me to pass out, especially with all of the noise in the room. For some weird reason, I sleep better with noise in the background. It probably has something to do with all of the trauma in my mind, but I try not to look that much into it.


"Come back child," a voice calls out to me. It sounds so distant, yet so close. There is an echo to it, as well. "You are a child of Hydra."

"Who are you?" I call out to the voice; curiosity is taking over.

"You know who I am," the voice answers cryptically. That is a very odd thing to say, but it doesn't seem wrong at all. The voice is so familiar that it is almost comforting.

"Where must I go?" I question. This all seems so cryptic. I don't know whether to go towards the voice or back away from it because it is giving me a comforting feel, but it is also very alarming. It is like my body is being pulled, but also sending warning signals at the same time.

"Back home," the voice answers in the same vague form. Where is home, though?

The form that the voice is coming from is blurred by all of the white light around it. It starts backing away slowly, but there are too many questions I have to ask it. It can't leave, yet.

"Wait!" I yell, trying my hardest to move toward the voice. I can feel my body moving, but I'm not moving anywhere. It's like my brain is tricking me. The faster I try to move, the harder it is to actually get anywhere.

"Just relax and enjoy the move, my daughter," the voice says. I want to scream that I have no idea what that means, but my mouth seems to be permanently closed shut. Suddenly, I have the realization that my hands are also tied behind my back and I can't use my powers to break the binds.

What did they mean by "enjoy the move"?



After realizing that I haven't heard the sarcastic comments that my daughter loves making, I look towards the couch that I last saw her on, and sure enough, she is passed out. She has been put through so many tests and bloodwork in the past couple of hours. I truly feel awful for not knowing about her sooner. If I had known, I could have done something. I could have helped her.

I've expressed all of this to Pepper, but she reminds me that I can't get hung up on the "what if?". Thank whoever is up there for Pepper. She has been my rock throughout this whole transition into being a father. I know that I'm not the best at it, but I am trying my best. I want to be better for her than my dad was for me.

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