Chapter 28- Plans

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Nat and I had been hanging out a lot lately, especially since we had made up. I told her about everything that was happening with my mind and power, and I even told her about all of the messed-up things that Hydra was putting in my head to try to bring me back to them.

"So let me get this straight," I say as the movie we were watching ends, "Only one of them was supposed to win the Hunger Games, but because both of them won, the president is angry."

"He's angrier that Katniss blatantly went against him on live television because it makes him look weak," Nat explains. "Are you sure that you're okay after that because Tony will probably yell at me for showing you these movies?"

"He can be mad all he wants. I loved those movies."

Just as I finish talking the entire compound rumbles and the lights flicker. Just as they had all those months ago. Nat and I look at each other with questioning looks, which means she has no idea what Thor is doing here, either.

Almost synchronized, Nat and I get up and make our way out of the room and towards the meeting room, which we can only assume is where everyone has met up. Sure enough, everyone is waiting in there patiently, including a very serious-looking Thor.

"What's going on?" Nat asks as we step through the door.

"Tony thinks that he found out where the tesseract is," Steve says, but he sounds like he is leaving something out, which I have no problem calling him out on.

"Steve, what aren't you telling us?" I ask.

"It's also the base that we think is controlling all of the other ones, meaning that they are probably the ones trying to control you, too."

"I'm coming with you, then."

"No, you're not," Tony interjects. I shoot him a look, asking if he is actually serious right now. "You are not going into the exact place that is trying to control you. I can't and will not risk it."

"Tony's right, Aria," Nat agrees. "If you go into that base, it will be like going into a hungry lion's den."

"I don't care. If you all are going on a mission for me, then I am coming, and you can't stop me," I conclude.

"Aria," Bucky says softly, making my head immediately snap to look at him, "they're right. It isn't safe." This is almost enough to make me change my mind, but I am too determined to take down the people responsible for doing all of these awful things to me.

"Out of everyone here, you and Nat should be the ones to understand how much I want to take them down, too. They have destroyed my entire life and stuck me with these stupid powers that don't even work when I need them to. You can't just leave me behind. I am coming, too. End of story."

Everyone in the room has their eyes on me, making me want to slouch down farther into my chair, but I refuse to show even the least bit of weakness right now. If I do, I will definitely not be going with them.

After staring at me for what seems like forever, they all turn to look at each other, almost like they are deciding what to do with me. That's the thing, though; they all decide what to do with me like I can't decide for myself. They all see me as a little kid. In some ways I am, but most kids have not gone through the hell that I have.

"You still aren't going," Tony says stubbornly.

Sick of not getting through to him, I leave it up to my last resort, "You could at least let the team vote. Maybe see some of their opinions on the matter before making a stubborn decision."

"Fine, put your hands up if you think Aria should be allowed on the mission."

I put my hand in the air, expecting to see at least one other person put their hand up, but absolutely no one else put their hands in the air. I look at Steve, whose head is tilted towards Tony. Then, I look at Nat, but her head is tilted down. Everyone else in the room has their heads the same way.

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