Chapter 20- Explosions

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"What the hell are you talking about?" I ask Steve. He has clearly lost his damn mind.

    "We found him. I'm going to go get him now," Steve answers.

    "You can't just go get him. If he wanted to be brought in, he would just walk in. He's still a human being, Steve."

    "He needs help, Aria."

    "At least let me come with you."

    "No, I wasn't even supposed to tell you this much. I'm sorry, but I have to do this. He's my best friend," Steve finishes before the elevator doors open.

    Steve walks out, looking back only once, leaving me completely dumbfounded. I know that Winter... or Bucky, needs help, but I wasn't expecting him to be found so soon. It has only been a couple of months. It feels like more, but it isn't.

    I've been struggling here all this time, so I can only imagine how it has been for him; all alone. All of these thoughts make my heart clench. I don't know why I care so much for this person when I have little to no memory of him. The last thing I remember is him pulling me out of the river after the fight we had with Steve on the hellicarrier.

    Holy shit. What if he doesn't even remember Steve? Winter... or Bucky... whatever the hell his name is, could rip Steve apart if given the right motivation. Not knowing a man who bursts into your home would be a good enough reason for me.

    I frantically press the buttons on the elevator, trying to get back up to the floor Steve was on. I can only hope to catch him before he takes off.

    The doors can't seem to open fast enough when I reach the right floor. I burst into a full-on sprint, hoping I'm going the right way to the takeoff zone. Thankfully, my instincts were right.

    Just as the helicopter is about to leave, I burst through the doors and yell for Steve. He doesn't hear me so I yell again.

    "Steve!" I yell again. He finally turns around to spot me. So much for that amazing hearing, he is supposed to have.

"He might not recognize you! He could seriously hurt you!" I warn him.

"He won't!" Steve yells back.

"If I were him, I would kill whoever is trying to bring me somewhere I don't want to go! Just be careful!"

"I will bring him back, Aria! I promise!"

With that, he boards the helicopter and they takeoff. I just hope to God that the promise Steve made isn't an empty one.


    "Aria," Nat calls, making me look up, hoping she has good news. "You shouldn't just sit around, waiting for them to return." And she disappoints.

    "I don't know what else to do," I admit. I've been sitting in the kitchen since Steve left yesterday. I knew it would take a while to get back, but I couldn't sit in my room to wait, I had to know as soon as he returned. Sitting here was just making me more anxious, though.

    "At least come train while you wait," she urges. I shake my head at her, but she throws clothes in my face. "Let's go."

    I give in, knowing that there is no way that I will win this battle. After changing into the clothes thrown in my face, I make my way to the training room. The entire way there, I look for signs that Steve has returned, but I come up short.

    "Why aren't you dressed?" I ask, noticing her clothes hadn't changed from when I saw her downstairs.

    "I figured that you might want to try out your powers. Maybe see what you can do with them?" she shrugs. Even though this makes me happy, I don't think that is the best inside decision.

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