When love lasts - 2

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Ashwin happily woke up after having a beautiful dream with his little muffin. He got ready for his college with the same chirpiness . He blushed on the mere thought of meeting her .

He quickly had his breakfast and ran towards the college and waited for her at the parking .

He was 15 minutes earlier and decided to wait for her . It was half an hour since he began waiting and she was yet to arrive.
He scared if she was unwell .

He tried calling her several times but the call went dead . He checked for her message , but his ' good morning' text was yet to be delivered . He tried calling Maya , but it was not reachable .

He went to her class , to inquire about them and found that Maya and Sivaangi was absent . He went to his class with no heart .

He then decided to bunk college and sneak into her hostel to find out what happened . He waited for the class to end .

The bell rung and he was about to run , but his professor called him and another girl and asked them to stay back , assigning works to them .

He mentally cursed that  ' sotta thala professor ' and turned back to find his classmate , Shilpa .

She was having a nervous yet a cunning look on her face .

Shilpa : Ashwin , you know I'm interested in you .

Ashwin : Please shilpa , you know I'm already in love !

Shilpa : She doesn't deserve you , Ashwin ! She's a bitch !


Ashwin slapped her , making marks of his finger on her face .

Ashwin : Dare you talk ill about her , I'll take the life out of you .

Saying this , he tried moving away , while the wicked Shilpa had other plans .

She removed the top three buttons of her Salwar , messed her hair up and screamed out , gaining everyone's attention outside .

Soon a crowd was being formed around them .

Shilpa : He ...( She began sobbing) He tried  misbehaving with me .

Ashwin felt the world completely blank when she said that .

Ashwin : Damn , No ! She's lying . You ....

The professor came back to the classroom, noticing the commotion . Shilpa convinced the professor saying that Ashwin misbehaved with her .

Ashwin and Shilpa were taken to the Principal's office . Soon , the college began buzzing rumours about the incident .

Ashwin : I swear I didn't do anything , Mam .

He tried to prove his innocence , but all went in vain . The marks of his fingers on Shilpa's face added more suspicion to them , though they didn't have a proper proof .

Ashwin was sentenced to suspension from the college . He felt weak . It was not his mistake , still he was being punished .

But how was he going to face her? How will Sivaangi react when she gets to know about this?

He felt the world stop for a second , when he met her eyes .

Yes ,  Sivaangi was standing, far away from him looking deep into his eyes . Her sight pierced his heart . It had unreadable emotions .

' Won't you trust me , my love ? ' He thought in his mind .

He began moving towards her , but she disappeared before he could reach her .

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