You're my family

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Sivaangi woke up , with the feel of warmth of his long slender fingers pressing against her forehead. She visibly relaxed when his fingers ran through her hair , giving her a head massage.

She slowly opened her drowsy her eyes only to meet the best sculpted eyes , God has ever made. She saw his face , upside down as a result of her , lying on his lap.

He bent down and kissed her forehead and gave a weak smile.

She closed her eyes and felt his ice cold lips on her hot forehead.

He seemed more worried after kissing her. That made her realise that her temperature was higher than the usual.

That was when she remembered the happenings of last night.

She felt drowsy due to the continuous hectic shoots and recordings and she had no time to take care of her health. She called him the moment she stepped her room as she was away from her home and she knew none.

Ashwin called off his shoot when he came to know that his love was ill. He reached her room in no time and saw her lying. She was pale , the glow on her face went missing.

He made her to wake-up and asked her to change while he prepared dinner. He fed her the food and gave her tablets.

He then , covered her with a thick duvet and hugged her close to his chest . She smiled and snuggled more into him.

She now looked at him with an apologetic look .

"Aayiram vaati sollirkken .. health uh paathuko.. romba stress pannikadha nu" he said , concerned.

"Sorry Ashwineyy.. continuous shoots and recordings ma.. saapda kooda time kedaikala".

She woke up , while he pulled her close to him and wrapped her completely in his arms . He gently caressed her hair and kissed her head.

"Adhan na vandhuten le .. na paathukren en rasaathi uh".

"Okay manna" her voice muffled against his neck.

He then carried her to the washroom as she kept whining because she would miss his warmth if she had to wake up.

She somehow managed to refresh and ran back to him and hugged him from behind. His winced when he felt her hot face pressed his back. He felt guilty of not taking care of her.

He turned back and cupped her cheeks and placed a strong kiss on her forehead.

Soon he gave her , her breakfast and his handmade Kashayam .

Sivaangi being the one who loves to taste different foods, thought that to be a fruit juice to ease the bitterness of her tablet bought it from him and gulped it all at once.

That was when she realised it was a Kashayam and her face changed in an instant that I'm unable to explain in words🚶🏻‍♀️.

It was hard time for Ashwin controlling his laugh looking at his Minnie mouse with a sad face.

"Ennadhu Ashwineyy adhu?" She said while keeping a disgusting face.

"Kashayam ma.. fever elam parandhu poidum paaru".

If it was a normal, healthy sivaangi then Ashwin would have faced her wrath for giving her Kashayam , but she understood and badly wanted to get away from the fever.

They , then cuddled together , wrapping them up in a duvet and decided to watch a rom-com movie.

She felt happy , was an understatement at that moment.

He constantly kept caressing her hair and arms , and kissed her at times. He checked her temperature often.

It's all about a person who's our home. To Sivaangi , it's Ashwin who is her home.

He relaxed only when he came to know that her temperature was completely reduced and she was normal.

Still he didn't leave her side and kept pampering her.

She looked at him , straight into his eyes.

"You know what , I see my dad and mom in you when you care for me , I see my kid in you at times , I see my friend in you when I need to share anything, I see a perfect husband in you when I imagine to be your wife . You're my family, Ashwineyy!" she said as she kissed his forehead.

He never knew that he could find himself a Mom in this 21 year old girl , who meant his everything.

He hugged her tightly and their two hearts were beating against eachother in a same beat.


"And that was the day , I fell hard for your father" said Sivaangi to her little son , who would listen their parents' love story as his bedtime story.

By the time , he was asleep , clutching her hair in his hands. She carefully removed his hands and kissed her baby boy's cheeks.

She turned around and saw her big baby , sleeping peacefully , still caressing her hair.. half asleep.

She kissed his forehead and lied between the two most important boys' in her life.

Every Ashwin needs Sivaangi and every Sivaangi needs Ashwin. Period ✋🏻💜


Chapter pudichurka???

One last update before I run into another hectic week of online classes 😩🚶🏻‍♀️

Do ya guys really get excited when my update comes?😂😩 Because I internally dance and scream when an update of my fav stories pops up.

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