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There are times bad bad things happen in a row in my life and there are times I feel like am going to get relieved but just when things are about to get ok ...there comes a huge grenade that scatters it all

That's how I feel right now, sitting on this dining table dining with the bloke who ruined my whole day.

He speaks less and smirks all the time as if he knew he has succeeded in ruining my day

I could actually choke him until he falls dead in my hands
anything at all

I inhaled slowly and exhaled slowly. I should focus on other things.

My attention shifted to his sister who is playing with her food right now. Being a very picky eater, she always leaves a veggie or something on her plate.

She is a lovely girl and really clingy at times
Ana hates it when you call by her full name Anabelle. Sweet but very controversial and stubborn. I smiled.

"Eve why you smiling so much,did you finally have a boyfriend?"Ana's eyes lit up as she whispers.  Everyone's attention zeroed on me before I realized they already heard what she said. Great, she's going to be the death of me. She decided having a boyfriend is the only thing that could make me smile out of a number of things she could have mentioned. I could feel my cheeks blush red.

"I... hgh wasn't thinking bout that babe girl. Was thinking about you, how stubborn you are. Look how you pick out the veggies because you wanted them chopped round rather than square." I felt relieved for being able to escape her question.

"Oh she can be a hell of a stubborn girl alright. Anna refused to go with my car because her dad was supposed to pick her up and she-" Miss Elena was interrupted by her daughter.

"The rain beat me. I know."she made a sad face and everyone laughed.

"But Eve, do you still not have a boyfriend now though?" Anna asked again. She just doesn't know when to give up.

"Hgh...I think for now, I'm not ready for that." I stare down at my food.

"Why?" Mrs Elena asked

"Business won't let me, am too busy to get involved with anyone."I stuffed my mouth with food to avoid any more questions.

"If you ever get ready-" she gently squeezes my hand. "- I will be really glad to have you as my daughter in law."

I nearly choked on my food. My eyes widen. Hardin spat his drink.

"Mom" he gave her a stern look.

"Eve is too good for Hardin,mom. Eve deserves better. My brother...he is up to no good." Ana said shaking his head

I stifled back a laugh. Anna doesn't hide shit.

"Ana! You shouldn't say such things about your brother." She scolded her daughter and turned to me "Eve, so sorry we were busy talking about other things. You wanted to talk to me about something?"

I cleared my throat..

"Actually every customer that walks into LeZir restaurant branch in town wanted more, and day in day out, the restaurant is getting too much customers and bookings which are way over the precise number we should take, sometimes we have to turn some customers away and cancel the booking. My team and I have realize that we need space than what we have. I came to ask for help."I stated

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