20. Feelings

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I buttoned my suit jacket, right after I got out of the car. Mart was beside me in a minute.

"Where are they?"

"Still at the restaurant, Sir."

I stared at the towered building of the hospital. The last time I was here. I saw Eve had a panic attack. Last night, I stayed up half of the night, her, huddled in my arms in that tiny space just listening to her sleep talk.

Her nightmares came back everytime she hard those panic attacks and they were triggered by the sight of vehicle accidents and blood or at least that's what I made out of everything I gathered. How can I watch her sleep alone after that.

I stepped into the doctor's office. I didn't know what's so serious that he wanted to see me.

"You're welcome Mr Williams." He shaked hands with me.

"Thank you."

"Please have your seat." He continued when we sat, "She's now fully recovered and can be discharged. She just need to continue taking her medication and avoid stress."

"Mmmm, that's good news. So, why do you want to see me?

"It's good she recovered quickly. Internal bleeding... it's a serious case. Thats the reason I called you here.-" he probed his elbow on the desk and laced his fingers. "The cops called in that they won't be needing her reports anymore because she asked that the case be dropped. And her husband came to visit her today. I know it's not much of your concern but things would only get worst if she continues to live with him."

"She what?" I almost whispered, shocked.

"Yes. Security was trying to stop him. But she came out and eventually let him in. She dismissed her security shortly after."

I scoffed. What did the nut job told her this time? I know exactly how she's feeling. Obsession is one thing that makes you see only what you want to see, gives you fear. I've been there before. It's funny how most abused people are the most obsessed.

"Will see what I can do." I finally muttered.

"Where are they now?" I asked Mart immediately I came out of the Doctor's office.

"They just came out the restaurant. Heading to the parking lot."

For the first time, I was glad Eve decided to go on that date. I know how much it would hurt her when she hears this. She would feel helpless and disappointed. It's best she doesn't know.

Ever since Mart came to meet me in Mexico with what He's digged up on her that night, i've never been more worried about her. I want to protect, be there for her. Wanna be her shield and support, someone she can lean on.

Mart had given me the papers that night he called me out. They contained pictures of when she was young, her bank details, her birth parent and other stuffs.

"Found anything special?" I had asked him while going through the files.

He sighed, "she's been through hell. She lost her mom at birth and later her dad. She's been with a foster family since then. All of a sudden she left the family and is on her own. She changed her surname back to her dad's."

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